Guineas, Quail..winter questions.


11 Years
Sep 11, 2008
Baltimore, MD
I have a 12x8' chicken coop, for winter it has a hanging brooder top with a heat bulb in it, heated water pan and a constant feed mixed with cracked corn. It is seperated (about 60/40) with my Muscovy's in the 40% side and one lone hen in the other.

I am going to be attempting guineas, or if I cant get eggs for them, quail.
I have read that 90% of the guineas diet is bugs..what about winter? Do they switch onto the feed that is provided? or keep looking for bugs? Are they ok to be allowed to free range in the winter or to be kept inside? Any other helpful info would be great.

Quail, how do they fair through winter in a coop? like I said, it will have a heat lamp, as well as plenty of bedding to snuggle into. Can they be let out into the outside pen or should they be kept inside the coop? again, any other helpful info would be helpful (i'm thinking a type of button quail by the way)

I've only kept chickens and turkeys (and ducks) before, so this is a whole new world to me lol. Thanks in advance
I dont know much about Quail.

Guineas weather the winter pretty good here in ND. I allowed mine to free range if they wanted too. Alot of the times they parked themselves on my front porch in the sunshine, sunned themselves and gabbed alot. They will forage for bugs, but you should give them feed during the winter. I fed mine wheat screenings (we farm), you can purchase at any local farmers elevator. (really cheap too)They like most grains; oats, millet, cracked corn, wheat, barley..etc. Any feed for wild game will work.

One thing that I learned, is to have wide roosts, so when they sit, they will cover their feet. I had one loose a toe the first winter. Now I have 2x4 for roosts.

Good luck and enjoy your guineas
I feed my guineas chicken feed, but they prefer chicken scratch. They'll come running when they think I might have some for them. In fact my 'scovies will run for that too.
I feed my guineas game bird food. It is especially made for guineas, peafowl, pheasant and such. They gain well and grow up healthy. I am on my fourth batch of guineas now!
My guineas free range all year long. They forage for 75% of their food. I give them a bit of feed at the barn door every evening just so I know they know where home is.
Thanks guys!!
I'll feed game bird then. They should be started on a turkey starter though, right?? i read it somewhere last night.

I have officially started remodeling my coop for the guinea's! Worked my butt off out there today, icreasing outside space for when they are caged, added wood beams for them to land on when they jump the fence, added chicken wire for babies...whew so much more!
I don't know about turkey starter, I only read semi-consistently (can anything be semi-consistent?) that guineas should have higher protein when young, then they quote anywhere from 22-27%.

So I've been mixing 20% medicated chick starter with 24% unmedicated chick starter. I've got small guineas and big guineas of the same age but no one acts hungry. Well, no more than usual.

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