Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

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scbatz33 ... I did see your post and thought it was very good!! I admit I got sidetracked and meant to reply and didn't! SOOOOO here's that well-deserved Pat On the Back!
If sense were common, everyone would have some.

The truth is, they don't. Our society is chock full of folks who couldn't find their way out of a wet paper bag if they had a map and a compass.

The Bill of rights and the Constitution of the US were created in a time with far more turmoil than we have to day - relatively speaking. The "founding fathers" were brilliant men who, unlike the leaders of today, were willing to lay their very lives on the line for what they believed. They had no "special interest" groups or political polls and pundits to tell them what they should do or how they should think and vote. They were men who believed in a way of life and lived out their beliefs. They were not popular and some of them died penniless and in disgrace, but they put forth a way of life that has done so well for us that 200+ years later we are all living a life that they could never have fathomed.

The 2nd amendment is no more outdated or a "relic" than any of the amendments that protect us. The problem with these discussions is folks look at their lives as they are and think - hey life's great, what do I need to worry about? The reality is, their life is "great" BECAUSE of those amendments not IN SPITE of them.

Simple truth is if not for the founding fathers, their vision, and the Bill of rights - all of them - we modern Americans would not be enjoying all the things in life that make this country so great(and why so many of this planet's citizens will do ANYTHING to live here). It is OUR DUTY to protect every last one of those amendments with the passion and strength of a momma bear protecting her cubs.

Yes, as some have mentioned in here, our "inalienable rights" are not granted to us by government, but they sure as heck can restrict us, fine us, punish us to the point that we feel that's exactly what happened. There may come a day when no American citizen can legally own a gun. It is a very real possibility.

Think for a moment, there were folks who not so long ago believed the government didn't have the right to take away property that was privately owned. Folks who didn't believe the government had the ability to make them stop smoking. Folks who didn't believe the government could ever have the support to tap their phone with out a proper warrant. All those folks were very very wrong.

Sure, they government didn't directly violate the "rights" of folks. They can't, in most instances, do it DIRECTLY. But as my grandfather used to say, there's more than one way to skin a cat. And believe me, the government(city, state and federal) have killed lots of cats in their time of existence. If we as citizens don't pull our heads out of the sand and stop buying into the idea of "you can't see it from my front porch so it doesn't effect me" we are all gonna be in for a rude awakening.

Regardless of what anyone's view of the purpose and scope of the amendments initially were, regardless of how you want to interpret the "intent" of the creators of our nation, there is one basic tenant that is undeniable. The founding fathers were afraid of big, controlling governments. They wrote these documents in an effort to keep a lid on government getting too big and too invasive. They knew first hand what it was like to live under the control of a giant empire, a tyrannical force that ruled your every thought, your every word. They knew first hand what it was like to be taxed to the point of being so beholden to the government and it's "agents"that your grandkids were still paying off the bill. They lived in a world where plutocracy ruled and proletariats suffered generation to generation.

They endeavored to change the fate of future generations, to build a country where folks are as equal, where we all have the same basic rights - life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Unfortunately, their vision was too good. We have been too blessed. We have become complacent, down right apathetic to our own cause. We have gotten so comfortable in our condition that we can't see the forest for the trees. We are the proverbial lambs being lead to slaughter. We are our own worst enemy.

Think seriously about the events of the past 8 years. Would any of you who are older than 30 have ever dreamed that anyone would have the nerve to attack AMERICA on her own soil? Honestly? Weren't we the super power to be feared? Weren't we taught, indoctrinated if you will, that America is untouchable at home? I know I was. I know I remember folks joking about how no one in the world would dare come on our shores and attack us. No one had the power, the weapons, the strength or the balls.

We were the cocky undefeated team in the final four who lost to the "underdog" no-name team from some place no one ever heard of.....we were taken unawares because we allowed ourselves as a country to become the fat, lazy, over confident bull seal sun bathing on the beach. Big and imposing who would dare to encroach? We forgot about the hungry pack of coyotes......

Simply put, the founding fathers, hundreds of years ago before electricity, cars, computers, ipods, GPS, etc (they didn't even have indoor plumbing!), understood about "enemies, foreign and domestic". Yet for as "enlightened" and "educated" and "evolved" as we tout ourselves to be in our modern pomposity, we still can't see the forest for the trees. We drink the Kool-Aid and we say "thank you sir, may I have another". We are allowing our country to be deconstructed and we do nothing to stop it.

Restricting gun ownership or all out banning of it matters not, it's another chip in the wall of freedom that was so carefully and purposefully devised.

When we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.


the reason tho we are compliant is the TV tells us to be, it tells us to buy things and we will feel better.

The thing i REALLY want to say is THIS thread gives me the Hope and Belief that this country will NOT become a teranny.... (we dont have spell check?? )
people like ya'll here will have enuf sense to see what is happening and NOT listen to the tv saying "go get on anti depressants and this will all go away"! i am SO HAPPY right now!!!!!!!
i could kiss you! seriously i wont worry anymore about our country will feed us soylent green becuase its good for us. Someone will start a thread, we will see the truth, gather our guns and i wont be the only one standing here thinking...*arent we supposed to be stopping this?* yay! i m not the only one!!!
and dh says i m paranoid...
scbatrz33- I am not going to take up more space here quoting your lovely post, but I have a question- did you just whip that off right here for this forum, or have you published it before somewhere else?

It's clearly worthy of being an editorial, at least.
im a proud member of the nra and the north american hunting club. i own about 15 guns and enough ammo to keep them loaded to doomsday. like charlton heston said they can take mine when they pry them from my cold dead hands. he should have added you darn dirty apes in theresomewhere for dramatic effect but i love a good laugh

i think those who think guns need to be banned need to be robbed or threatened with 1 first. that might change their tune but i dont wish bad fortune on anyone so i guess i shouldnt say i think that should happen. its easy for bleeding hearts to hate guns but like i said good luck getting mine. you better be packing a few of your own and a lunch because us wild ass texans dont play that sh*t!!!!!!
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I was robbed at gunpoint years ago and it didn't change my stand on gun control (I was in favor)

I have since changed my mind!! Don't shoot!!

Moving to the country made me realize how decent folks rely on their guns; this thread taught me the deeper ramifications.
I'm sorry it happened to you. It is not pleasant. But I'm glad you have seen the light, as it were.

Power to the People.
I'm sorry it happened to you. It is not pleasant. But I'm glad you have seen the light, as it were.

Power to the People.

Believe it or not, I panicked and ran.

I am lucky I did not get shot.
Yes. I do know what she meant. That was why I posted what I did. I can't let things like that just slide because then people think it's acceptable. It's not. Sorry if that upsets everyone so much.

YOU my dear are simply arguementative. Always have been. Every post argues. Why?

ETA: The seond amendment give us ALL the right to bear arms for whatever we may feel is a predator. It is up to the justice system to determine if we are right or wrong in our use of that freedom.
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