Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

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Oh man I am a gun ignoramus.

As a tax accountant, to me an M-1 is a book-tax difference.

That can't possibly be what he wants, could it?

I don't know what you just said, but I'm thinking the answer is no.

He wants an M-1 Abrams Tank.

No, he won't be able to get one.

OK that makes more sense in context.
Yes. I do know what she meant. That was why I posted what I did. I can't let things like that just slide because then people think it's acceptable. It's not. Sorry if that upsets everyone so much.

Doesn't upset me Hikerchick. I've expressed my opinions on racism before. Course my opinions aren't too appreciated by most of the folks that bother to post on here. Go ahead and call them as you see them.
thanks thats how i roll. lol. i love that gun though its a beauty and it has stopping power. the only thing that sucks is each bullet for the .50 cal costs me 1.75 each but its a lot of lead

Here I thought you were going to discuss the great responsibility that comes with owning something that can take away a life in a heartbeat. How about that instead of your perception of citizen duties. It seems like a lot of people consider guns to be adult toys. Lets here what people do to keep their kids safe other than the obligatory safety lectures. What do you do to keep a child with an undeveloped brain from displaying compulsive behavior? Or to keep your guns out of the hands of someone that might break in while your at church or something.

my father is an ex marine and my granpa was too. my pawpaw was us army. i myself did 4 years in the corps as well i have been to afghanistan and in the line of fire. ive been around guns all my life and i was taught early on to respect them and with it comes great responsibility. if you stand back and say guns are bad and only adults should handle them then you end up with adults afraid to handle one. i shot my first gun at age 3. granted it was a bb gun but i was taught early on that guns kill and they are not toys. not everyone out there sees them as toys. mine are a thing i enjoy to shoot and to own and the very thought that because someone else is squeamish around them should dictate whether i own one or not is ridiculous and disgusting. and i also read that you think its more manly to use a knife. when you face life or death you will do what it takes to survive. there is nothing manly or unmanly about survival. its easy to sit back and watch it in a movie but when you are face to face with it youll see your attitude and preconceptions change. i was fortunate enough to survive my time in the middle east and that i could shoot better than my enemy.
After sticking my head into the Palin discussion.... I waited 75 pages on this one.... My thought is... yep, it's looking kinda 1-sided that I should speak up for my team..... lol. But also, I wonder if you're all aware, or just some of you are aware, of what you're really doing? Because this type of post is all about stirring up debate, so NOT about chickens. And actually I think that's fine. I think that's how you learn about all sides of issues and make educated decisions about where you stand by listening to "the other side" or "all the sides/ all that can be said." Nobody hears anything when it is "sprayed and not sayed" so it's valuable to hear opinion under respectful, intelligent circumstance. So are you doing that? Are you having moments where you see why others have perspectives that are different than yours? I have friends from all walks of life and when we can have respectful debate, I finally get why they vote the way they vote, feel the way they feel, etc.. And it helps me to not walk through life feeling like whomever doesnt feel the same way I feel is just ignorant. But I'm still a little curious why this happens out here in chicken land? Because you know the people and feel a little safer than out there is real political forum?

For the gun record, I'm from Alaska, that made the Palin forum hilarious, people not knowing that about me.... you'd assume all Alaskans dig her I guess? Well also in Alaska, I'm liberal (if I must bear a label) but I have guns in my cabin - it's been hit by griz twice. But I dont have OOZIES (spelling?) You know, the scar face machine gun stuff. Why does anyone EVER represent that they should have one of those? I dont see it here - in all 75 probably 77 pages now, and frankly I've never seen it anywhere.... Why in the he__ do you think it's okay for people to get those? Are they gonna kill a racoon or a griz? NO! They're gonna gun down your kid and mine at a mall!! And to me, that's gun control... Making sure people dont walk around with those things, the other pistols, rifles and whatever, fine. But seriously, you have to have gun control of some sort to get those kinds of guns out of mix, dont you? I'd truly like to hear your "chicken forum" responce to that... It'll do me some good because I know you are respectful, educated and I very much value your opinions.....
dave as i fellow texan,chicken farmer and gunownerid like to say thank you for teaching your kids about guns properly. i learned early and i think they all should. i like your sidearm. havent seen an old revolver in a long time.
Here I thought you were going to discuss the great responsibility that comes with owning something that can take away a life in a heartbeat. How about that instead of your perception of citizen duties. It seems like a lot of people consider guns to be adult toys. Lets here what people do to keep their kids safe other than the obligatory safety lectures. What do you do to keep a child with an undeveloped brain from displaying compulsive behavior? Or to keep your guns out of the hands of someone that might break in while your at church or something.

my father is an ex marine and my granpa was too. my pawpaw was us army. i myself did 4 years in the corps as well i have been to afghanistan and in the line of fire. ive been around guns all my life and i was taught early on to respect them and with it comes great responsibility. if you stand back and say guns are bad and only adults should handle them then you end up with adults afraid to handle one. i shot my first gun at age 3. granted it was a bb gun but i was taught early on that guns kill and they are not toys. not everyone out there sees them as toys. mine are a thing i enjoy to shoot and to own and the very thought that because someone else is squeamish around them should dictate whether i own one or not is ridiculous and disgusting. and i also read that you think its more manly to use a knife. when you face life or death you will do what it takes to survive. there is nothing manly or unmanly about survival. its easy to sit back and watch it in a movie but when you are face to face with it youll see your attitude and preconceptions change. i was fortunate enough to survive my time in the middle east and that i could shoot better than my enemy.

Actually the part about being more manly with a knife was me being facetious. I also realize that not all people see them as toys. That was a reference to how fun it is to shoot on full auto that was expressed by a few people. I am not squeamish around guns and feel that people should be able to own guns. My beliefs about guns run very close to Busters. I also see nothing wrong with children being taught about how to use a gun under adult supervision. I just feel strongly about storage of guns. Please don't read anything in to my post that isn't there. I especially do not feel there is anything manly or unmanly about survival. I'm not some creep that has fantasies about how many Iraqis I could kill with my bare hands. I was in the Army for 4 years. I didn't see any action and I am glad of it. I have seen the looks on the faces of the soldiers coming back from the Middle East. That is not a look that any man should have to have. Congrats on making it back in 1 piece.
its spelled uzi. i agree. the only thing automatics are good for is war. i think that being an american and vet that i should have the right to own one but i know that wont happen unless i get a class 3 license. im afraid that one of these days before too long i may need one with the way things are going with the unrest in the world. im no republican or democrat but the division between the people who support them is a poison for america and i think our forefathers would be more disgusted by the bickering and name calling than the policies that are in place. we in a downward spiral and i think its both parties fault.
its spelled uzi. i agree. the only thing automatics are good for is war. i think that being an american and vet that i should have the right to own one but i know that wont happen unless i get a class 3 license. im afraid that one of these days before too long i may need one with the way things are going with the unrest in the world. im no republican or democrat but the division between the people who support them is a poison for america and i think our forefathers would be more disgusted by the bickering and name calling than the policies that are in place. we in a downward spiral and i think its both parties fault.

That was a great post from both of you.
my father is an ex marine and my granpa was too. my pawpaw was us army. i myself did 4 years in the corps as well i have been to afghanistan and in the line of fire. ive been around guns all my life and i was taught early on to respect them and with it comes great responsibility. if you stand back and say guns are bad and only adults should handle them then you end up with adults afraid to handle one. i shot my first gun at age 3. granted it was a bb gun but i was taught early on that guns kill and they are not toys. not everyone out there sees them as toys. mine are a thing i enjoy to shoot and to own and the very thought that because someone else is squeamish around them should dictate whether i own one or not is ridiculous and disgusting. and i also read that you think its more manly to use a knife. when you face life or death you will do what it takes to survive. there is nothing manly or unmanly about survival. its easy to sit back and watch it in a movie but when you are face to face with it youll see your attitude and preconceptions change. i was fortunate enough to survive my time in the middle east and that i could shoot better than my enemy.

Actually the part about being more manly with a knife was me being facetious. I also realize that not all people see them as toys. That was a reference to how fun it is to shoot on full auto that was expressed by a few people. I am not squeamish around guns and feel that people should be able to own guns. My beliefs about guns run very close to Busters. I also see nothing wrong with children being taught about how to use a gun under adult supervision. I just feel strongly about storage of guns. Please don't read anything in to my post that isn't there. I especially do not feel there is anything manly or unmanly about survival. I'm not some creep that has fantasies about how many Iraqis I could kill with my bare hands. I was in the Army for 4 years. I didn't see any action and I am glad of it. I have seen the looks on the faces of the soldiers coming back from the Middle East. That is not a look that any man should have to have. Congrats on making it back in 1 piece.

duly noted. i think i was prepared mentally better than most. i knew what i was going to do and how to do it.i dont feel haunted by my actions over there and im proud of my service. i guess i took your posts at face value and i apologize. war is an ugly affair and noone should have to do it but for those of us who do its hard to take when we see the rights and freedoms we fight for for not only us but all people be slowly stripped away its a hard pill to swallow. the middle east is bad but i truly feel for those who saw the genocide in serbia and bosnia kosovo. i have a cousin who is special forces. he said he saw bodiews stacked like cordwood waiting to be burned. the inhumanity people commit to one another is really horrific. ill always defend myself and those around me against it whether its a ak toting taliban soldier oir a drug addicted junkie wanting to rob me in a dallas mall parking lot (which ive faced both)
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