Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

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I was in during the cold war. Stationed 15 K from the border. I often wondered how I would do under fire. I was never anxious to find out. I enjoyed firing my M-16 and our 50 cal. I was in a M109 battery in Germany and a M198 in Bragg. We went to the range quite often. The only weapon I've had since I got out was a Colt 44 Anaconda. Truth be told I had some real hard times in 95 and lost it to a pawn shop. Just haven't had a reason for anything else since then. I got a fox that needs killing now. Everything is too expensive now.
go to they have a good selection esp their used stock. with the exception of my desert eagle i have never owned a new gun.wouldnt want 1 either except that magpul i posted earlier lol. sorry you lost your colt. those are hard to come by and i know that hurts. i had to part with a single shot .22 i got when i was a kid. i gotr it from my uncle. it was in peices and i rebuilt it. i too came into hard times and a guy offered me a good price for it. when it comes down to eating or owning a gun (and being 19 and a broke ass coleege student with no real world sense lol) you make sacrifices
i was in the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit back in 01 when we first went afghanistan. i was in california and austrailia before then. i completed service in 02 but only had 1 combat tour. i chose not to reenlist. let me tell you. afghanistan was really hairy back then. I CARRIED A M16A2 AND MY SIDEARM WAS MY GLOCK. I BOUGHT IT AT A GUN SHOP IN SYDNEY. OF ALL MY GUNS I HAVE MY GLOCK HAS PROVEN TO BE MY BEST FRIEND. ALWAYS HAD MY BACK. I HAVE A BOND WITH IT IF THAT MAKES SENSE. OOPS sorry didnt notice myc aps. i watch the keyboard when i type lol
If you think about it and I know many may not agree with this:
This type of discussion is going on in this forum because we do own chickens.
Think of it this way if it pleases you,
you have a preditor problem going on nightly, All gun rights have been taken away. you are left defenseless buy someone elses choice, read as they dont think your responsible enough to own , fire, store a gun.
now every night this same preditor has come back and has now wiped you out of your birds. what do you do? do you start over and feed the wild life? do you do nothing?
You cant sit there after the fact and say gee wait a minute, I had the rights to bear arms, why did I give it up?
Hind sight is 20/20 but there are enough of us here who feel hind sight is too late.
Also here in P&P its about dealing with preditors and saving ourselves heart ache expense etc.
Losing $200.00 worth of Rare geese,turkey, etc to a coon, mink or fisher is not our idea of a great time.
Many times I have read on the P &P forum people asking which fire arm would be better for which preditor, there have been some awesome responses to those threads.
There are many diffrent ways to deal with preditors whether they be furred feathered or furless( as in 2 legs).Guns are not always the answer and never will be the answer but in some instences can be the final answer.
This discussion has gone in icredibly well even with a few hiccups No one is trying to sway anyone else in a different direction, its mainly a perspective.
Just because i own guns and know how to use them , I feel for the people who do not own them nor know how to use them. If they dont want to own a gun they dont have to, I would never be so ignorant as to tell them they "have" to own any gun. On the same token They should not be telling me i shouldnt own a gun or that I should only be allowed to own a gun of certain make or caliber.

yes this discussion does need to be on a chicken forum. mainly because we all deal with preditors at some point in our rual, farm, city lives.
There was no logic in his response, thus there was no further discussion from me.

Actually Buster was very logical in all his postings. He was well thought out and kept it very polite and to the point. Most of the responses to his post were not.

Claiming the Second Amendment is somehow outdated, and claiming that the Second Amendment, as affirmed by the Supreme Court many times is still up to amateur misinterpretation is not posting from any point of logic, as numerous other posters here have pointed out. You may choose to agree with him, doesn't make him logical or right.
2 by 4's are cheap.

True so very true, wonder when they will reasonably restrict them. On a serious note, J&G has some very good deals. I believe I got my PA63 from them years ago for around $90, I think they are closer to $100 now, a exceptional little PPK clone that has a tad more punch. You can actually get a 7 round wheel gun for $79 from them. The nagant pistol though it has a horrible DA trigger pull is known for reliable function. Though it uses expensive ammo most have found out that it digests .32 mag safely and accurately. It is a ugly revolver but hey until one can afford that chrome, pearl handled piece it will work just fine to dispatch varmints. And actually the heavy trigger pull was intentional, the Russians believed that firing a weapon should be intentional, and as they did not do much training they put heavy trigger pulls on weapons. Thankfully they did not do this with their riffles. This one is not mine I pulled it from a site. Ugly Ugly handgun but well made and cheap.

My personal carry gun is a Kel-tec P3AT in .380, it's easily concealed on a small-framed woman like me. My favorite shooter is my S&W 1911 in .45, I can drive tacks with it - but it's far too big for me to easily carry, except in my gun purse, and that isn't my favorite way to carry for a number of reasons.
If you think about it and I know many may not agree with this:
This type of discussion is going on in this forum because we do own chickens.
Think of it this way if it pleases you,
you have a preditor problem going on nightly, All gun rights have been taken away. you are left defenseless buy someone elses choice, read as they dont think your responsible enough to own , fire, store a gun.
now every night this same preditor has come back and has now wiped you out of your birds. what do you do? do you start over and feed the wild life? do you do nothing?
You cant sit there after the fact and say gee wait a minute, I had the rights to bear arms, why did I give it up?
Hind sight is 20/20 but there are enough of us here who feel hind sight is too late.
Also here in P&P its about dealing with preditors and saving ourselves heart ache expense etc.
Losing $200.00 worth of Rare geese,turkey, etc to a coon, mink or fisher is not our idea of a great time.
Many times I have read on the P &P forum people asking which fire arm would be better for which preditor, there have been some awesome responses to those threads.
There are many diffrent ways to deal with preditors whether they be furred feathered or furless( as in 2 legs).Guns are not always the answer and never will be the answer but in some instences can be the final answer.
This discussion has gone in icredibly well even with a few hiccups No one is trying to sway anyone else in a different direction, its mainly a perspective.
Just because i own guns and know how to use them , I feel for the people who do not own them nor know how to use them. If they dont want to own a gun they dont have to, I would never be so ignorant as to tell them they "have" to own any gun. On the same token They should not be telling me i shouldnt own a gun or that I should only be allowed to own a gun of certain make or caliber.

yes this discussion does need to be on a chicken forum. mainly because we all deal with preditors at some point in our rual, farm, city lives.

exceptional reply gypsy, I only disagree on one point. If they take my guns away I refuse to be helpless. I have a bow and I am very good with it. I will defend my flock with bricks if I have to, If I have to I will crank up the old lathe and build a gun to do the job. I will not let a suit who has armed guards protecting him/her/IT make me helpless. They need to realize that some of us will not succumb to tyranny and we will find a way to survive their arrogance.
Reinbeau does your state allow open carry. I got tired of hiding my gun in public, especially in summer when I wanted to wear shorts and a t shirt. I am not ashamed of my rights and I wear mine proudly. People do not run in horror at the sight, sometimes certain people stare. Sometimes people ask questions, that is the great part, it spawns education.
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