Gypsy Moth Caterpillars


Free Ranging
May 8, 2017
Eastern Connecticut
So here's a question for y'all. I've been bringing my 4-5 wk old chicks outside in a pen in the evenings when I get home. It looks like this year will be another bad one for gypsy moth caterpillars... I could have sworn that they were not edible to most critters... does that go for chickens too? My babes will be going in the coop soon and I'm getting worried about it.

Thanks y'all!! This website has been a huge help to this first time chicken owner!!
Mine won't eat the caterpillars. I've tried, but they turn their beaks up at them.

Once they become moths last year, though, the chickens would eat them - they'd pick them out of the air if they got close, and gobble up any I swatted and threw into the run.

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