had to put a chick down yesterday...


8 Years
Aug 8, 2011
Olympia, Washington
ugh, i know it comes with owning chickens, I knew it was a matter of time, and I might lose one, and/or have to put a chick down at some point in my life, but i was hoping not with these, that i payed for, mailed to me, babied, checked on, hatched, and stayed up all night long making sure they where OK....

Yesterday, i went out to check the brooder, and one of the chicks didn't move. i reached in and grabbed her, she was alive but limp. her mouth was opening and closing, over and over, but no sound coming out. she wouldn't stand either.

i wrapped her in a warm towel and tried to give her some water & sugar water, she drank it, but every so often would choke on it.

she could breathe, but wouldn't open her eyes.

The other day i put a tiny bit of cut grass in the brooder, i was wondering if she ate a piece that was too big for her, and couldn't get it down or was chocking on it.

None of the other chicks are sick or lethargic at all. they are all running around and happy.

I'm so confused.

Any thoughts?

(and no i didn't make it suffer, i took its head off very fast and buried her)
I can relate to the awful feeling. I had to put two down yesterday. One was the same as yours, I don't know if it ever got anything to eat or drink after I dipped its beak in water. The other one was having seizures and it was in lots of pain, that one was terrible. I also lost one two days before, I had the brooder at the temperature called for and it turns out it was too hot for them. I cooled it a bit and they are happier and active. I had a few tears for each of them.
So sorry for your loss. What you did was out of the highest love for this little creature. Blessings for your bravery.

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