Hadicap animal show contest! Please VOTE fellow BYCers! Need your help

Thanks for putting that link in USSChicago! I fumbled around to find this contest after Shay's suggestion. I will take some more pics of Tiny Tim today. I had wanted to get him outside but we had snow last night! I am hoping we are done with that and can enjoy an early spring now!
Terri O in WI
This is one of our guineas. I don't know what in the world happened to him, but his foot swelled up to about twice its normal size. He won't even roost on it anymore. Now, he's too slow to run with the guineas, so he hops around with the chickens. We've nicknamed him Flamingo!

See alot of love here with these animal's.Great job and pic's everyone.Take's a lot of compasion and love for alot of otherwise neglected or uncared animals.Keep up the good work everyone.I will be posting Sadie tomm. my silkie with bad foot.TC GB DG
This is Samantha. Here is a thread for her:

She is about 4 years old. As a chick, she was stepped on badly. After that incident, she couldn't keep up with her mom and I took her inside. She is a half silkie, part EE and who knows what.
She went blind at gradually at about age 3. She finds food and water by the sound of other chickens eating and drinking, and by memory as I found out recently.
She is truly amazing! She seems happy, despite her condition.
When she had chicks, she was a great mother!
Alright. Although I have had several handicapped animals here. Including that cat that got his tail sucked up in a fan and cut off, and became paralyzed. A one legged rooster, a one-sided faced cat, and a few others. Meg is out happiest ending rescue.

Meg came to us at only a few weeks old. She had been born on the coldest night, and had gotten frostbite on her legs and ears. The vet suggested to the other owner that she should loose her legs and die, and to put her to sleep. They didn't have the heart to do that, she was so stronge and sweet. So we took her in hopes of giving her a good life until it was time to make a desicion.

Here is O'Meg'A as a young baby.

You can see how her ears were swollen and hung down, and how her back legs were stuck bent. She walked on the back of her feet. The opposite of what they should bend.


Her legs and feet were so bent, we began casting them, trying to get her to walk better. But it caused problems. After a couple months after birth. Half of her ears fell off. Along with her back hooves, and skin. She had no flesh. She grew a thin layer of scabs. And everytime she wore the casts it broke them open and she bled. So we had to take them off. Here she is looking pretty in pink before she lost her ears and legs.

We thought we would loose her. But she hung on, and we just couldn't put her down. She had so much will to live, and didn't act in pain. Eventually her legs grew a thin layer of skin, She straightened up a bit. She walks better. But not normal. She limps. And can't jump as high, or run as fast. But over a years time she has made so much improvement!


Here is Meg in the summer. She is happy go lucky, sweet, and a great milker!


Here is what her feet look like today. As you can see they are any thing but normal. They barely have fur. They are grey and weird looking. She grew new hooves but they aren't correct, and they are hard as rocks and nearly impossible to trim. She still walks slightly titled back.

In cold, her thin legs, crack open and bled. They are easily damaged. But most of the time she acts unaware of her problems. She is an outcast to the other goats. And none like her. Her half sisters put up with her. But she spends most of her time alone, or with us humans.

She kidded a beautiful buckling a few weeks ago. It was the weirdest thing. She was walking and he just he dropped out. She turned and saw him and freaked out. Backing awaying and jumping like he was a monster. When he got up and tried to nurse she head butted him flying. We are bottle feeding him. But the strange thing is she loves all the other baby goats. She plays with them, and nuzzles them, and watches them. But to this day if her own baby comes within sight, she backs away. And if he gets to close she head butts him with all her might.

Meggy is a farm favorite around here. Her personality can't be matched, and she is the best behaved when milking. We hope she will continue to live and long and comfortable life here. And we are blessed to have our little Miracle Meg in our life. For however long we are fortunet to have her here with us.
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I've had a few handicapped chickens but Newbie touched me the most as a fighter. Newbie hatched with a badly crooked beak. The reason get hatch with her beak was because of school. They didn't take care of the humidity in the incubator which she was born with a crossbeak. Being the only one that survived in her hatch, I adopted her and brought her home on the school bus( was funny!). After a few days at home she got really sick. She couldn't stand, was doing back flips, and wasn't breathing a few times. When she stopped breathing I gave her CPR which is the first time I had even given a chicken CPR. We though she wasn't going to make it. But day by day she got stronger and better. She made a full recovery and ate like the other chickens. Sadly she disapeared one day and we couldn't find her. I looked through the who day and into the night but couldn't find any sign of her up and down the street in backyards. The next morning I got up and found her body in my neighbors yard all torn up and eaten. She had squeezed under the fence to lay an egg under my neighbors shed.
She was the first bird I've lost to a predator. I miss her so much

Her as a little one:





Sorry for so many pictures
I loved that girl so much.....
I saw someone else posted a cat, so I am going to post my dog, Ruby. We got her 2 years ago, when she was a year old. She has a deformed jaw, that curves in on one side, and causes her tongue to stick out on the other side. We got her back this past week, after someone stole her, then dumped her, then someone else took her and refused to return her. I was a huge deal on Craigslist and Facebook here. No one thought we'd ever get her back, but I refused to give up, and looked everyday, several hours a day for the 3 weeks that she was gone.

She has been the very best dog we've ever had. If it wasn't for her, neither of my boys would be here. She's saved them from cottonmouths that they've stepped on and wild dogs that jumped on them. I found a dead fox outside the chicken house that had it's face chewed off. She was very proud of that one! She's killed opossums, chased off feral Pyrenese, and anything else that comes around "her family". She helps me find lost chickens, and breaks up chicken fights (and breeding! LOL!). The chickens and guineas were actually happy to have her back. They ran up to her chattering when we got her back.

Here is my Ruby Doo!


We love you Ruby!!!

Oh I am so glad that there are so many hearts out there.
to everyone.
and i can tell this contest is going to be very hard, that is why i am letting fellow BYCers make the winners.

Keep up all those beautiful pictures, i will annouce a closeing date soon.

The cockatiel in the middle is Lucy. We got her from a "breeder" for free about seven or eight years ago. There's something wrong with her that may have originated when her egg wasn't turned enough, or something. Her feet turn inward in a strange way, and it makes it difficult for her to perch or even walk. She has a bad sense of balance and often simply falls off the perch for no apparent reason. Her head is permanently bald because her mate picked at her head so much that he destroyed the feather shafts. She's also blind in one eye.

Despite all of her difficulties, she is the happiest bird you will ever meet. If you whistle, she's instantly whistling back to you, and she goes nuts with joy when you take her in the shower. She's very talkative and seems to enjoy her life, as limited as it is. She's very sweet.

I love seeing all the handicapped animals here with loving homes! Good for all of us, taking care of those who are less fortunate and giving them the best lives we can.

EDIT: Don't mind the Pokémon posters in the background. I'm a really geeky twenty-two year old.
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