Hadicap animal show contest! Please VOTE fellow BYCers! Need your help

I like the witch hunter robin poster better. I am a 31 year old anime addict with a decent size collection of DVDs.


Thanks! Yes, I'm a big anime fan. I have much more diverse tastes than Pokémon, but I happen to collect Pokémon stuff so that's often what gets showcased most.
My GSDmix Sage is just over 2yrs old and she lost her leg 1yr ago on Feb 23rd.
She was abandoned out here in the country as a puppy and when she showed up at my house she was all skin and bones.I started to nurse her back to health and about a month after she started living here she was hit by a car and left in the ditch to die. I found her 3hrs after she was hit and she was almost dead. She suffered extensive nerve damage to both front legs, liver and spkeen damage, pelvis broken,and a ton of gravel rash.
We worked very hard to save her front leg but after months of having it in casts, multiple surgeries, toe removal,electro therapy and water therapy and the constant infections we decided to go ahead and remove the leg. Turns out it was pretty much dead anyways even with all we did to save it.
She still has nerve damage to the other front leg but she is getting around ok, and was left mentally retarded in a doggy way. She is alwaysa little too happy, no attention span, wanders and forgets the basics often, and she has temper tantrums.She used to be so smart too so it is like a whole other dog.

She is a pretty girl though.
right after amputation

living in my bathroom while she recovered

on xmas morning lol
What a great idea for a contest and thread! I have several handicap animals - 2 of them chickens, one a blind cat, however, I think I will enter Quincy, my Blue EE Bantam into the contest.

The first year I had chicks ever, my feed store gave me a splayed leg little banty. The chicks were dragging it around by its foot and it surely would have died before morning. The feed store didn't have time to deal with it so I scooped it up and took it home and named her Quincy. Being so new to chickens in general, I had no idea what to do, what was wrong with her or how to take care of her, but I researched night and day while I hand fed her and loved her. I tried the bandaid treatment for her leg and made curled toe boots as she got older, but neither worked so she never recovered use of her leg and her toes on the good leg are permanently curled. Quincy lives inside in a cage with my other handicap chicken, Hope, a standard size Black Australorp. She is now a happy and loving 2 year old hen and gets around just fine by hopping. She enjoys her trips outside and lays eggs several times a week. She has been worth every minute I invested in saving her life.

This is Quincy at 1 week old - she tended to fall over a lot, lol


Quincy, 2 weeks old. At this point, I thought the bandaids had worked, but her leg splayed back out a few days later.

Quincy, 6 weeks old - first day outside ever

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So how are we to add pictures now. Photobucket has changed. Never mind I figured it out. See the next post.
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This is Oreo. He is now 4 years old. He has had problems ever since he was born. The vet didn't think that he would live. We had to spoon feed him from the time he was 3 days old. He ate puppy food and baby food. He had to have surgery when he was 11 months old. He had a hard time breathing. The vet had to fix his soft palat. He still have problems and has to take meds so he can keep the fluid off his lungs. Most of the time he does good and then sometimes we have to take him to the vet for a couple of shots and a round of antibotics. He is so spoiled rooten it isn't even funny but he is loved and we will do anything to keep him alive. HIs vet calls him her poster child.
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Ruby Doo- Chicken Birth Control

Unfortunately! Although she LOVES taking care of the babies!

I love the cockatiel! I had one growing up that lived for 25 years! Funny funny birds.

edit: Had to say hi to the other Boston!

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Ok peeps deadline for pictures is March 31 one week from today.

So get those pics in of all those beautiful special babies.
This is my cute little silkie hen, Betty. She has some sort of brain disorder.
Her head (bobbles) pretty much like a bobblehead does. This happens all the time after she runs or pecks at something. I feel so bad for her, she also runs into walls and tries to run through chicken wire over and over. I think she got this as a chick because she was the runt and the others would peck her head. Also because she was the smallest she could fit through the chicken wire. One time when she was anout 2 months old she must have got out and the rooster pecked her head a few times until i noticed she was out and i could put her back, i felt terrible!

(Sorry the date was waaaaaaay messed up on my camera)
Well here she is,



I like how she actually looks evil in this one.

All or your special babies are beautiful! I love seeing them.

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