Hairloss on duckling..?


In the Brooder
Apr 18, 2020
Hello all,
So I tried a new thing and tried hatching some of my previous duck eggs. We had 3 of them hatch and they are doing great so far. The one white one has some hairloss by her wings on both sides. Im not sure if its just still molting and growing in or if it is a medical issue. Its been like that for at least 1 month. They are all still eating and drinking etc. They are in a pretty good spot where I can watch them and I have not noticed any pecking from the other ducks. I think its molting but idk most of her other feathers have grown in around that spot. They are 2 months old. Any advice would be great. They do get bathtime everyday or every other day and I change out their shavings whenever they get a bath. They do still get messy on me though so idk if its due to that. I have a picture posted below


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Hello all,
So I tried a new thing and tried hatching some of my previous duck eggs. We had 3 of them hatch and they are doing great so far. The one white one has some hairloss by her wings on both sides. Im not sure if its just still molting and growing in or if it is a medical issue. Its been like that for at least 1 month. They are all still eating and drinking etc. They are in a pretty good spot where I can watch them and I have not noticed any pecking from the other ducks. I think its molting but idk most of her other feathers have grown in around that spot. They are 2 months old. Any advice would be great. They do get bathtime everyday or every other day and I change out their shavings whenever they get a bath. They do still get messy on me though so idk if its due to that. I have a picture posted below

I have never had my ducks/ducklings have down loss. I don´t think it has to do with mess.

Also the fluffy hair like feathers are called down or feathers. Ducks don´t have hair. ;) :)
Could you post pictures of the area they're being kept in during the day?

Pekins are meat birds and are designed to grow fast. If the conditions are optimal for encouraging growth, you may see feather loss, as they're more focused on growing and unable to put protein into growing feathers.

In a hatchery setting, a fast growth rate is not too much of a concern, but if these birds are pets, you'll want to slow down their growth as that can lead to deformities, and nutritional problems. Ensuring that they are in a big pen during the day, that allows them to run around freely will help slow down growth. As well as feeding them a diet around 18%, and turning lights off in their pen at night, which will subsequently decrease their feed/water intake thus slowing growth.

Just as a note, a little feather loss in ducks, specifically around this age is normal, but, In my opinion, and experience, this one has it a little excessive I believe there may be environmental problems at play.
The other ducks she is housed with does not have any of these problems which makes me think its not environmental..??? Idk though. She is unusually bigger than my other 2 ducks... but idk they do have chick started feed at 18% and have free range of their food mostly. I still have a heat lamp on them as well. I thought the down feather loss was a bit excessive as well... but I have no idea what it could b. We do plan on putting them outside at the appropriate time for more space. We just don't have a bigger area to put them in currently. We have a 180gallon rubber tub for them with shavings from tractor supply. Just a side note they do have fresh water and food daily I just did a clean out of their pen today


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Your other ducks, grow very much slower than she does, so are not affected by the environmental problems as much.

The environmental problems being that the pen area you have them in, is much too small for birds their age, and allows them to do little if any exercise. Criticizing your setup, is not the intent of my posts, just clarification on why you might be seeing feather loss.

If your house is at room temperature, it's unlikely they will need the heat lamp, and in regards to feed, it's important you switch them over to a feed formulated for all poultry/ or ducks as chick starter doesn't enough amounts of vitamins for ducks, specifically niacin (B3).
Oh I know I was just spit balling thoughts/ideas. I appreciate any feedback/comments since I'm still kinda new in this area when it comes to ducks. I just don't have any other ideas for a brooder. I just don't know how to go bigger for them. Any ideas would be great. I actually have them on 20% protein. Should I lower that? I'm stuck in quartine currently soo ill change their food as soon as I can

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