Hallo from Idaho...

Welcome to Backyard Chickens. How nice of your son to help the gentleman recovering from surgery, by eliminating raccoon predators.

He is living there taking care of him, after he gets off work working construction he drives him around wherever he needs to go and does chores and stuff for him around the farm, currently my son is cutting and bailing hay and putting it up for him in his off hours. He is going to spend the school year there as well as Lee is having the other ankle replaced and the other foot surgery this fall. Tough to deal with all of that and run a 1400 acre farm at the same time especially considering Lee is almost 87.
Hello and welcome to BYC. I hope that you enjoy your time here and good luck with predator-proofing your ducks.

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Best wishes

Pork Pie
Welcome, glad you decided to join us!! Sorry it isn't under more favorable circumstances.

What breed of ducks did you have, any idea? Maybe a more flighty breed (and probably not white ducks) would fit your situation a little better. A breed that can fly fairly well may help. I do like the floating coop idea, I have seen that work before too. Raptors can be tough to control, but believe it or not my dogs do a decent job of chasing them off. You have a rather unique situation here, I do understand your unwillingness to just lock the ducks up though, it would be a waste.
Welcome, glad you decided to join us!! Sorry it isn't under more favorable circumstances.

What breed of ducks did you have, any idea? Maybe a more flighty breed (and probably not white ducks) would fit your situation a little better. A breed that can fly fairly well may help. I do like the floating coop idea, I have seen that work before too. Raptors can be tough to control, but believe it or not my dogs do a decent job of chasing them off. You have a rather unique situation here, I do understand your unwillingness to just lock the ducks up though, it would be a waste.

I have no idea on the breeds I have had I just picked them up from people and they never really had any idea what they were either. None of them were fliers though that is for sure. The 14 chicks that we are going to be picking up will be mid sized solid black ducks, not going to be flighted either I am pretty sure. I have no idea what breed nor does the woman that I am getting them from.

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