HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks


I set some eggs last week, today is day 5 of incubation! It all started here https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/1132545/is-this-egg-fertile/10#post_17546144
This will only be my second time incubating so I might need help

I don't hatch, but love to try it, but in the meantime follow to see what y'all do. Good luck with your hatch.
I might be able to join in for this hatching. I have to check first to see if my boy is fertilizing the eggs yet or not.


I'll be joining this hatch a long! I'll be setting eggs sometime in the next week or two, will be hatching from our own chickens this time who are Black Copper Maran Crosses.

This will be my second time incubating so far.

Excited to see what we'll be getting! I'll be starting to collect eggs tomorrow.

Thanks Michael

Sally has these ready to go out to you pending gaining her internet access to do postage and printout label.

Thanks Michael
I have eggs in SW Missouri if anyone needs any for the hatch along. Possibilities in the mix CL,Sapphires, EE, green layers.

you betcha!!!!
Thanks everyone! Well, let me think about that, there are two Ameraucana eggs, two that I think are from my silkie, two unknown, a few RIR...........and I think that's about it :). I have 9 eggs, they are all from my flock.
I'd like to join the fowl pumpkin eating contest :) my 2 favorite things together, halloween and chickens:D
I want some RIR babies. Tiny appears to be a fairly nice chicken, and she's my only regular layer. Since i'm going to have a flock of polish, silkies, cochins, and 2 red sex linked, along with my small EE flock.... I am going to need a few more non-broody wenches around.
Okay @TJChickens
 we are good for me to receive eggs to join the Hatch-A-Long! Yaaaaay!!!

The folks @TJChickens are amazing! I'm getting more serama and banty EE eggs from them this week. My last eggs USPS scrambled pretty good. What kind did you get?
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I went to check on our broody it seems one of the other hens has decided to help her out and took some of the eggs. So now one has 3 and the other has 2. I checked them and they all look great! Nice veins! We are on day 8.

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