HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks


Pile O' chicks in the brooder.
Awe, cuteness overload today!! :-D

So, I am starting to wonder if I am seeing more than one chick, just one at a time! I know there are at least two, I saw them moving under momma's feathers, but only saw part of one while the other was peeking out the other side hidden under a feather. Silly things are apparently shy! I am pretty sure I was hearing 3 or 4 chirping together. I hope they won't be so shy tomorrow!
My son has two friends two friends spending the night tonight and I was able to show them one of the developing AC eggs. They have less than a week left now. The one I candled to show them just so happened to be upside down in the shell with both legs spread out and pressed against the shell. We could all see each little toe, leg, and where the fluffy down starts :) We could even feel the baby hitting off of the shell. It was definitely exciting for all of them, especially the one who is a bird fenatic lol.
I don't think I'm going to be able to stay in this HAL.

I'm waiting to here from the state vet about whether or not my chickens have MG, if they do I may end up destroying my incubating eggs.

I've lost one pullet to the illness and I culled one and sent it for a necropsy, I'm waiting for the results from the cultures and histopathology......

I am so sad. I finally get my d'Uccles from @TJChickens and I may not even get to hatch them because I added eggs into the bator from my flock.

I don't think I'm going to be able to stay in this HAL.

I'm waiting to here from the state vet about whether or not my chickens have MG, if they do I may end up destroying my incubating eggs.

I've lost one pullet to the illness and I culled one and sent it for a necropsy, I'm waiting for the results from the cultures and histopathology......

I am so sad. I finally get my d'Uccles from @TJChickens and I may not even get to hatch them because I added eggs into the bator from my flock.


So sorry to read this, hope it's not as serious as you expect
I don't think I'm going to be able to stay in this HAL.

I'm waiting to here from the state vet about whether or not my chickens have MG, if they do I may end up destroying my incubating eggs. 

I've lost one pullet to the illness and I culled one and sent it for a necropsy, I'm waiting for the results from the cultures and histopathology......

I am so sad. I finally get my d'Uccles from @TJChickens
 and I may not even get to hatch them because I added eggs into the bator from my flock.

:hit  :he   :hit

Uh oh.... :hit

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