hamburg crossed with dominique

The barring on breeds like hambergs and campines isn't the same as the sexlinked dominant barring in dominiques. Its transverse/autosomal.
I very much want to see how autosomal barring interacts with sex-linked barring. Hope is they will be additive in that contrast between light and dark regions of a feather will be maintained even though feathers will be growing faster than typical on a dominique. I am trying to increase feather quality (for flight mostly) to more closely approximate the the overall appearance of dominiques as shown in the standard of perfection.

My American game line has autosomal barring and appears to be taking me in desired direction and has also included a lot of color which I do not want.
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There has already been crosses made. I have seen them and can tell you how they look, but I don't remember where I saw them.
They looked pretty well like gold-penciled hamburgs with light S-L type barring trough their plumage. Basically they looked like the Penciled version of Crele. Barring seems to be repetitive and epistatic (except for white), simply lightly lining each feather. I have also seen Barred-Silver-Mille-Fleur patterned birds (an extinct variety of Bow Lake). Boy, were they pretty.

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