Beautiful hand built coop for sale. Moving out of state and cannot take it with us. Coop will be 3 years old in January. Repainted this summer. Has chains to hold water and food. Three large nesting boxes. Two roosting bars (higher than nesting boxes). Can stand inside (About 6 ft tall at tallest point). Very heavy. Must be able to pick transport yourself. Will help load onto trailer. Hens will be 3 in January, March, and May, depending on hen. I have 1 Barred rock, 1 Lavender Orpington, 1 Easter Egger, 2 Marans, 1 Chocolate Leghorn, and 1 Black Sex Link. Healthy beautiful birds that are treated like pets. Usually free range on property. We have never had a predator get into our coop with wood on bottom trim. Metal roof. Plywood wind barrier for roosting bars can easily be removed in warmer summer months (just a couple screws). Let me know if you are interested or have any questions. $400
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