Handicapped Chick

Poor baby. So sorry some idiot/s shipped her like that. I know there are carts made up for animals and even some birds, so they can have mobility. I wonder if her wings could provide some motion if she were fitted for such a cart.
She definitely has strong wings and uses them to help propel herself forward. She can even fly a little bit. I just don’t know that we could afford a cart for her at this time. We just knew that if we didn’t adopt her then no one else was and she’d probably end up being euthanized. We fell completely in love with her. Her strength and unwillingness to give up is extraordinary. She was in bad shape after being shipped like that but she fought to live. And then she even fought off other injured and sick chickens and healthy bantams to protect herself. She loves to be held and pet. She usually ends up resting her head on my chest. We have a lot of concerns though. Like how do we keep her from becoming overweight? And how do we make it so that she can roost like she wants to? We also have a dog who does not like birds 🤦🏼‍♀️ So we have to make sure that she is always safe from him.
Hello, Hillary, and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
Poor thing. I doubt that her legs became that way from shipping. She likely hatched that way and was shipped regardless.
My husband works for tractor supply. Her legs were definitely folded up inside the box. He saved her. I also have a dobie. Does yours stay away from your chickens? Mine does not like birds at all. So far he has behaved himself, but I frequently feel like he is awaiting his perfect opportunity

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