Handling Ducklings


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 25, 2013
I just got 10 ducklings and was just wondering what you all did in terms of handling them and getting them used to people. They are a week old so how long could I take them out of their cage and away from the heat lamp? Right now I am just taking them out one by one and holding them for a few minutes, but every time I reach in the cage they run around and want nothing to do with my hands
They'll do that..handle them alot if you want them to be friendly..once they realize you're the one that brings food..and that doesn't take long..then they see you and run to the front of the pen instead of the back. Try giving them maybe some mashed up peas..or meal worms when you have your time with them..they'll associate you with yummy special treats..the more time you spend with them the more they'll like you. As they grow though you'll find, ducks don't really like to be held so much..i've had a couple that didn't mind..but i'd sit in the pen with them..or in the yard and have the food in my lap, or in front of me..being down on their level somewhat so i'ts not so scary..they'll learn to trust you...it's a process but they do get fond of you.
I've found that while my ducklings never like me to catch them, if I just put my hand in and let it just hang there without trying to chase them, they are more apt to come up to me of their own accord and be semi friendly. Also just sitting and talking to them, again without trying to hold them will make them more comfortable and trust you more. Some of my more brave ones love nibbling on my fingers, especially if I give them meal worms. Also, one fun thing is that when the run out of food, before I fill up their container, I will get a spoon and put food on it and stick it down there. You should see them swarm it!!!!! Now anytime they see a spoon they will come running up to the side! ;)
Oh, and I think it would be fine, to bring them all out for a 1/2 hour or so inside, maybe on a towel, and sit with them, and just let them run around you. Just be ready for lots of messes!!!

Hope some of that helps! and shicks0211 is right, I have never had a grown up duck that LOVED being held. My friendliest one would come to me, and let me pet him, but most of them just tolerated me.

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