Hands on hatching and help

This batch of eggs is driving me crazy! We are now starting on Day 24. Out of 8 eggs, two piped Day 21: one hatched, one died after piping. Last night another big pip: died after hatching. I just candled the last 5 eggs - ONE has internally piped, and the other 4 are moving, but no pips! I am at a loss!

I wish I could help but I don't know what would do that.. I'm sorry. Hugs..
Hallo! Is there a sipmle way to identify a fertile egg suitable for hatching before placing it in the incubation process?
I just checked...I sold him the end of February. When did you get your eggs? About a month later, right? So I guess some of the girls could have still be fertile from him....I think?
End of March wasn't it?? I'll have to go back and look.

Omg these silkie pics are my dream chickens $&@&$.

I sucked it up and went in my last americauna. A 10 day looking embryo with dark liquids and slight smell. Sigh. Another 100% failure.

A sane person would stop. But i cant. Ill set the next batch when we get back from vacation in mid july. Id rather stay home now and focus on trouble shooting.
You'll get this. I'm sure.

How do you all feel about auto turners vs hand turning? Ive also read about a tilt method in bad air cell situations. This last round i used the auto turner from day 2 up to day 17. (I quit bc the silkie had already internally pipped by day 17). And yes, fat end was up
I prefer hand turning. I started out hatching with the turner and by the third hatch I switched to hand turning and don't see myself going back as long as I can turn 3xs a day.

This batch of eggs is driving me crazy! We are now starting on Day 24. Out of 8 eggs, two piped Day 21: one hatched, one died after piping. Last night another big pip: died after hatching. I just candled the last 5 eggs - ONE has internally piped, and the other 4 are moving, but no pips! I am at a loss!
Sorry to hear that. Are the chicks dry? Or is there a lot of moisture/wetness in the egg?

Hallo! Is there a sipmle way to identify a fertile egg suitable for hatching before placing it in the incubation process?
No. The only way to identify an egg as fertile w/out incubating it is to crack it open. You can not test fertility of an individual egg w/o cracking it or incubating it. And even an incubated egg that doesn't develop doesn't mean it wasn't fertile.
I can't even emphasis enough how much I love my mini. All my important eggs go in there. In fact, I just locked down my 4 remaining shipped call duck eggs in the mini about 5 mins ago. I well filled put me at 75%.
Those silkies can be a reality....I have eggs! ;)
why do you guys like the mini so much? And what brand is it and where can I get it?

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