Happy but Sad...


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 4, 2012
I got five pullets from a wonderful lady locally, 2 Barred Rocks, 2 Easter Eggers, and 1 Buff Orpington/Easter Egger mix, 1 each of the Barred Rocks and Easter Eggers were picked up for a friend. He was supposed to pick them up from me soon and bring me a hen. All of the pullets were super friendly and sooo sweet. Finally 3 weeks later he comes to pick them up, he did bring me a beautiful Australorp hen who is close to laying which was great, but he left the other two in a cage while he ran errands and the Easter Egger overheated and died. I had a feeling before I gave them to him I should give them to my best friend's mom instead, and I almost did. I wish I had :-( !!!! Just sick, because she was a really beautiful bird and and very sweet. I was talking about looking into cream legbars one day last night and he was poopooing the idea because he doesn't care for rare breeds he said they are too prone to getting sick, etc, etc. I almost said "Well, I'm NOT YOU!" I will not be picking him up anymore pullets needless to say. Taking my best friend's mom to get her some from the same lady when she gets her coop done, I know they will be cared for, they already have RIR's and they are well taken care of, but she wants her OWN pretty hens, lol. But I am LOVING my babies, they are so cool, I am so glad I bought them from this lady, she really raises healthy well socialized beautiful birds! Those girls go in their coop and stay right by the coop when I let them out for a bit, the Australorp isn't used to us yet and isn't near as cool as these girls and well behaved.
Thank you! I actually just got my first egg from the Australorp just now! So I'm feeling much better
Between my garden and my eggs got my protein and veggies so I won't starve ever, lol! It's a good feeling!!

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