Happy to join and in need of help


5 Years
Aug 3, 2014
Thanks for creating such a valuable comunity. I just.acquired 25 chicks that are 3 weeks old.I have already found 4 dead in 2 days and others injured. We live in the Caribbean where temps are around 85° all year long. I still have them under a lamp and indoors, but maybe if I put them outside they will have more space and maybe leas pecking at each other. Could I put them out or is this contraindicated? For a short time during the day I place them in a corral outdoors and this still doesn't persuade them from pecking at each other. I'm thinking if I just give them the entire yard and a spave for them to hide at night this may help. Any advise?
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Hello! The hear lamp might be too much, especially at your temps. You can free range, but they are very young and vulnerable to predation. I would keep them in a run for the time being, let them get bigger. Then if you want to freerange give it a shot. Please keep in mind though that free ranging has its risks, the biggest being predators, you could loose some birds.
How much space are you keeping 25 chickens in? Inside and out. This could be a huge factor in their aggression with each other. Put them out in a pen permanently in another week if your temps hold and they'll all be fine. Another reason the pick at each other could be a protein issue. What type of feed and how often?
How much space are you keeping 25 chickens in? Inside and out. This could be a huge factor in their aggression with each other. Put them out in a pen permanently in another week if your temps hold and they'll all be fine. Another reason the pick at each other could be a protein issue. What type of feed and how often?

Agreed - it appears that space is a key issue. More space, some "toys" to distract them from pecking each other may also be a good idea.

Whilst its a little late, it may be better if you buy chicks in the future to consider buying slightly older chicks. I guess it differs with climate, but here in Kenya most people buy chicks at 4 weeks since thereafter they do not require additional heat sources.

Good luck!


You've already received some good advice so I'll just say hello and it's nice to have you here!

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