Hardware cloth


Apr 24, 2015
Hello everyone! Need some advice on hardware cloth. On my chicken coop, I used the regular hardware cloth (small squares) to do the enclosure. Now I am working on a duck enclosure and found some poultry cloth made of a hard plastic colored in black or green from Home Depot. It looks like chicken wire. I am hesitant to use this because it may make the enclosure darker. Has anyone used this before and what are your experience using this? I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks!
Hello everyone! Need some advice on hardware cloth. On my chicken coop, I used the regular hardware cloth (small squares) to do the enclosure. Now I am working on a duck enclosure and found some poultry cloth made of a hard plastic colored in black or green from Home Depot. It looks like chicken wire. I am hesitant to use this because it may make the enclosure darker. Has anyone used this before and what are your experience using this? I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks!

I don't know if the plastic stuff is predator proof like hardware cloth.
I have a question I think we may also have the same plastic chicken wire you speak of :( but we do have two dogs also that do not let any type of animals (besides duckie, they love duckie) on our property they sleep in a dog house near where we are going to have the duck enclosure. Should we also get actual chicken wire to go on top and just use the plastic as the inside so duckie doesn't cut her feet or rely on our beasts to keep predators out?
I have a question I think we may also have the same plastic chicken wire you speak of :( but we do have two dogs also that do not let any type of animals (besides duckie, they love duckie) on our property they sleep in a dog house near where we are going to have the duck enclosure. Should we also get actual chicken wire to go on top and just use the plastic as the inside so duckie doesn't cut her feet or rely on our beasts to keep predators out?
The plastic stuff will not work at all. My dogs tear it up and in addition to that it turns brittle and breaks at the slightest touch as it ages.
so do you use regular metal chicken wire?
I use metal 1/2 inch hardware cloth over all openings. Chicken wire is also not predator proofed and is used to keep poultry in not keep things out. It just isn't strong enough. I am building a move able run out of chicken wire but I'm only using that when we have company that comes over and brings their pets. My ducks free range my fenced in back yard in suburbia and just get locked up at night.
I use metal 1/2 inch hardware cloth over all openings.  Chicken wire is also not predator proofed and is used to keep poultry in not keep things out.  It just isn't strong enough.  I am building a move able run out of chicken wire but I'm only using that when we have company that comes over and brings their pets.  My ducks free range my fenced in back yard in suburbia and just get locked up at night.
thank you so much I almost made a big mistake!! We are also going to allow duckie to free range in the day and go home at night or when we have to go do grocery shopping and can't really supervise as well we are planning on having the pen be 5 by 7 feet and we have a wooden dog house that is slightly lifted off the ground for her

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