Has anyone been struck by lightning??

On my honeymoon(first guy-should have been the omen!) We were at the beach and a lighteneing storm came up quickly. We were on the way inside the hotel when a bolt hit the billboard then an outdoor shower pipe near the pool. It grounded out near us and literally threw me into the air. I landed on my back. Fortunately I didn't get any burns but I was badly shaken up. That same storm killed two people on the beach about two miles from where we were. I still love thunderstorms but watch them from a safe place.
While my mom was pregnant with my brother a bold of lightning hit the house and went threw the pipes and was exiting my mom on to the table and yes my brother was fine or maybe before that moment he was a genius o-well we will never know:lol:
Here's my question about getting hit by lightening: Have you found that you can connect with any spirits or "the other side"? Can you sense or perceive things easier?

Jenichick - especially you if you can blow out lightbulbs!
My father-in-law was...it came through the water line. He was in the bathroom shaving and rinsing his razor when he felt the shock go up his arm and into his jaw. He was in a new log cabin that must be well-grounded, otherwise we're told he would have been seriously injured.

Obviously there's no shaving going on during storms anymore.

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