Has anyone bred Pekin and welsh harlequin ducks together??

I forgot to note yesterday:
Celeste weighed 6.3pounds
Joy weighs. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.53lbs!!🤗🤗
So shes gained a tad over half a pound in a week & a half. All day yesterday and today.... I dont know what's going on but she wants up & out. She has been wiggling and moving those legs like crazy. Hopefully all the things I ordered will be here soon & she'll be a bit more "up in the world" with the rest of us. Cant wait!!!!! I think she'll be happier🥰 I've got all kinds of things in my head that I'd like to make for her to make her more mobile, or up & about at least. So trying to get it all on paper & started.🤞🤞
Wonderful update!! I look forward to seeing all her new things. Sounds like Miss Joy is feeling good!
I hope so!!! Trying to determine if something is upsetting her or hurting her..... OR... shes just full of energy & ready to get moving!!! Its a night & day difference, all day today & yesterday. She just won't sit still. Like she can't get comfortable (or..... just doesnt want to sit). Hard to tell 🤷‍♀️ But I'm finding more lately that shes much happier now on her belly. Of course her legs are there so it only works on my lap or a donut shaped blanket or pillow, somewhere for her legs to hang. My sweet little lady!
Oh yeah, I ordered & tried the duck leash. Oh lord!! I put it on Celeste to walk into the vets office. That was a mess. I ended up hurrying to get it off her and just carried her the rest of the way. Anyone else ever tried or successful with the duck leashes??
Ok, so I'm noticing something now that I've been watching for the past couple hours. Since Joy is "handicapped", her body, mainly her head & neck always move a little different than normal. Anyway, past little while it's like her neck is having spasms??? Not sure what's going on. Whether Im holding her or shes laying down, upright or not, every couple seconds to 8-9 seconds she will randomly shoot her head/neck front to back or sideways a little. Been watching her and hoping nothing is going on. We havent really changed anything as far as diet, just stopped her antibiotics earlier this week. Maybe shes just tired? 🙏🤞
(Sorry, I know I react to every little thing, especially with her. Sorry🤦‍♀️😔)
Do you feel her muscles spasms?
Well, it's really strange. As I hold her, randomly you'll feel an inside vibration. I had my husband feel and he said shes cold & shivering but she wasnt. It's an internal quiver, only lasts for a second or 2, and only comes every so often. Wish I could explain it better. I've never felt or seen this before until yesterday. Also when she started acting differently. I've held her ALOT the past 48 hours because it's been the only thing to somewhat calm her. It's just a sharp twitch that her neck does, shooting forward a little bit. I'm watching her right now & shes not doing it. But it comes in stages. I'm sorry, I'm probably just confusing the heck out of you. If she starts again, I'll video it and see what you think.

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