Has anyone else ever forgot to write down what day you set the eggs?


"Ain't nuttin' like having da' blues"
13 Years
May 30, 2008
Washington State
I am soooooooooo bad! I set some eggs somewhere around the 9th of Feb but did not write down the exact date or time. I have been so busy that it just didn't cross my mind.
I think I should be in lockdown now but when I candled the eggs the other morning they didn't look anywhere near developed enough for lockdown.

Now what?
Candled them this morning and all still look as though they could use another days before taking them out of the turner. All but one were good. The one I tossed wasn't fertile. I will candle them again tomorrow morning.
I KNOW better but I have done it!
As deb said, candle them again.
My mind may be playing tricks on me (nothing new
) but I think I have heard about 3 peeps come out of that incubator as the other 2 I have running I just set eggs in 3 days ago. I think I am going to take them out of the turner and start lockdown. I found an old piece of scratch paper with some notes scribbled on it dated 2-10 with " Eggs In" highlighted... thinking back because I don't keep a daily log on the incubators I had a couple of days during this batch that the temp dropped and I had a hard time getting it back up...this could be the reason that they do not appear as developed as they should if set on the 10th because technically speaking they should be on day 19. I just candled a few of them and transferred all to the hatcher.

Can't believe I did that...what a goof!
i just did that! no my fault tho i gave my silkie two duck eggs which i thought were infertile turned out to be fertile .... now im freaking out because its only 30 degrees here in ny and idk when there due!!!!

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