I'm not sure if this has actually happened...but within the past week, 2 of my dogs suddenly have ear issues. Neither of these dogs has ever had them before. I had assumed the the first dog affected was suffering from a simple yeast infection in his ear...until this evening, as I watched the second dog shaking his head as well. Due to the weirdness of having them both showing symtoms, I suddenly wondered if the chicks could be the culperts, and I have something more going on with the dogs than just yeast...possibly ear mites (?) (obviously I'm just speculating at this time.) There are 9 chicks, within a brooder set up in my dining room (a large dog crate bedded with pine shavings.) The chicks all appear happy and healthy...no itching or bald spots etc. They range in age 3 weeks to 4 weeks old. The dogs do walk by the brooder on occasion, but haven't had much interaction with the chicks other than a mild sniff here and there. I could be totally off base...but figured I'd ask to see if this was a possiblity that I never prepared for?