has anyone ever let a GUINEA HATCH CHICKEN BABIES?


9 Years
Sep 18, 2010
woodsfield ohio
i know people let chickens hatch guineas but has anyone ever let a guinea hatch chickens
the chicks would be safer with about 5 mean guineas watching there babies then just 1 hen
the chicks are more grass hardy(they wont get killed rite off by wet grass like keets)
and they would be accepted by the guineas

most of my new chickens that the guineas havent grown up with always end of up getting picked on by guineas in my expierence
so has anyone ever done this?
I tried it once. I found the Guinea nest and raided the eggs for the incubator and had a thought "what the ell" and replaced the Guinea eggs with fertile chicken eggs-----------didn't work, the chicken eggs aren't as tough as the guinea eggs and they broke as the Guinea laid more eggs on them. When I remove guinea eggs from the nest made on the ground in the field, I find imprints of the eggs in the dirt------I think the Guineas must sit heavier on the their eggs then a chicken does. If anyone has had success with doing this, I would like to hear how. I have of course had success with the chickens hatching guineas:

I have had a guinea hen hatch out chicks in the field, i ended up taking them all away from her because the guineas just move to fast and leave the chicks behind because they are just not as fast as keets.

So IMO chicks just can't hang like a keet can
thats what i was thinking one of the cons about it
what if i penned them up for a few weeks with the guinea hen?
that way they could get bigger and stronger
you have any pics?
Sounds like something I would try LOL, I have hatched dusky morehen eggs under racing pigeons, had a duck raise guinea keets, and a bantam hen raise buf banded rails LOLLLL

Buff banded rail hatchling


Ducky with her keets

And Putka (croatian for duck) with her keets.
the guinea will hatch the eggs just fine but when it comes to taking care of the keets they are not great. If the weather is dry it may be ok but any wet grass is death on the babies.
bemba those are some great pics what do you do with dusky moorhens and the rails once they hatch?

Nash56 would i just be better off leaving the guinea hen with her chicks penned up for 2 - 4 weeks then letting them out so they can keep up
i mean they would have feathers,could run alot quicker, and could keep up maybe...
is there any chicken breed that is faster then others that would be able to keep up?

i would really like to do this

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