Has anyone hatched eggs using a cheap 7 egg incubator

Just wondering if anyone hatched any eggs in a cheap 7 egg incubator, I have got one
any tips on using it?

like this one in the video I found - In the video he is just starting some eggs now

Hello, I had quails years ago. I wanned to start again, from zero, so I purchased this incubator. I had 20 quail eggs, there was hardly space for 10, so I bought another one. Would you believe, that both are heating differently? You need an extra hydro and thermometer, on the display I had 40,5 to get 37,8 inside. On the other one, 39,8 to get 37,6. But, the cover is not sealed, so I used aluminium folie to cover the top. Then the temperature was Okey, on both displays I have now 39,5°C, and inside is 37,7. Without that it mostly dropped almost 2 °C less... It's actually problem nowdays with China's incubators. They use thin plastic. It's now 5th day, I candled eggs, 4 were empty, so have 16 quails eggs, 8 in each.

I bought also 56 egg incubator from Amazon, it's better quality, but I had to wrap it as well in aluminium to keep constant temperature. But it's still not the same. In the corners and middle are temperatures different... Calibrating this incubator for more then 3 hours. Those 2 7 eggs I was busy with like 6 hours to figure out what the hell they want 😂😂😂


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Plenty of people have been able to hatch eggs in the cheap incubators, myself included, but generally you're going to have better results with a high quality name brand.

In my experience, it has been well worth it to spend the extra money. I went through two different cheap ones and they were always a pain the whole way through. Having to calibrate temperature, recalibrate, recalibrate again, constant temp fluctuations regardless of calibration attempts, having to wrap the machines in blankets to help them maintain heat but not too many blankets or else it would get too warm, maintaining humidity being incredibly finicky and so on.

Eventually I invested in a Brinsea Eco Mini 2 and it's like night and day. It's a small, basic incubator without any fancy bells and whistles, but it just works. No more pulling my hair out dealing with maintaining proper temperature and humidity.

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