Has anyone tried growing potatoes in a bag?

Neem oil or borax will get rid of them at the surface, but they will still be throughout the bag. My grandpa always used cardboard traps when he found them at his house. He would set out a folded piece of cardboard or a small box and moisten it. For some reason they would flock to it...probably the moisture which wouldn't do much good if the wood chip soil is moist.
I am also currently growing my potatoes in a big grow bag and they seem to be doing fine. I am a fan (I know not everyone is) of diatomaceous earth for bug prevention. It has saved me from the dreaded flea beetle this year on my tomatoes and I sprinkled it on my potatoes and got rid of the earwigs. Works for me!
I think that’s a good plan....
You could always “give a firkle” (yes that’s a real word— it means to feel around under the surface for small/new potatoes) for a tater or two in a few weeks.... slice one open and look to see if there’s any damage from the termites. It might put your mind at ease. Chances are that the termites aren’t gonna bug (pun intended ;)) your taters.
I do not grow potatoes. Only flowers. My neighbor does grow potatoes, and uses automobile tires. Has great success that way, and potatoes grow above ground, well drained.
I'd be interested to see that set up. We just changed out some motorcycle tires and I've been itching to repurpose them in some way.
I'd be interested to see that set up. We just changed out some motorcycle tires and I've been itching to repurpose them in some way.
Neighbor uses wide tires to make a higher mound. Keeps the soil from falling away and keeps the growing potatoes covered in soil. It also holds the moisture as well. The soil in the tires is also soft, and porous with organic matter and peat moss. Potatoes easily expand/grow in that medium. Planting in heavy soil will not give good harvest results.
On potato farms, the rows are plowed in such a way to create PEAKS/RIDGES, and VALLEYS. The potatoes grow out of the peaks. The valleys allow the potato tubers to grow and expand the surrounding soil easily.
The other thing to keep in mind is that the potatoes in the bags need water, lots of water. As soon as those greens start showing and you start the layering process, water, water and water again. The bags dry out very quickly and I found that during this hot cycle we are in, I have to water the bag twice a day.

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