Has this happened to anyone????

That's funny! Some day Maizey, when (not if) you get your piece of "property" and are a little secluded from the hustle and bustle of the outside world, you'll turn into one of us and go outside 1/2 dressed or completely undressed while you do your animal chores. You will be "free"
I've had the Jehova's Witness folks drop in while I was outside and "marking my territory." I finished and even shook twice before informing them that my wife is a Dis-fellowshipped JW. That's like JW plague.
There is some funny stuff here! The other day, I think an appraiser for our county came and started snapping pictures all around our house and of our outbuildings. I had JUST come in from our sun room after soaking in our hot tub in the buff (now, I'm 57, birthed two kids and am so white, I'm almost transparent....SHUDDER!). We live in the country, also, and have had Jehova's Witnesses come to our house, too. The last time they came, I told them about my radical beliefs and told them I'd love to ask alot of questions about their religion just out of curiosity, and, it may be coincidence, but they have never been back!
One mini-aussie, seven hens, one son, one daughter and three onery grandsons....and a very tolerant husband!
Just curious Tom. After you told them that, have they come back?

Not once. It's been a couple of months now.

Yep...that's what I thought. Really sad when you think about it. To have your whole family shun you for a differing belief.

BTW Tom...you have lost an INCREDIBLE amount of weight and that is no easy accomplishment. You look AWESOME!!
Keep it up!
Phew!! That was close! I have to say though that I'm surprised that they were snapping pictures of your out buildings! I used to work for an appraisal company and if pictures of comps were being shot, it was done from the road only. That's a bit intrusive I think!
Thought about this thread early this morning.
Don't know why...

Could it be because I was outside setting in the swing at
3:00 this morning burning a brushpile? That time of morning,
you really need a lot of clothes. Just me and the dog.

And the dog don't care...he's seen me nakid before.
(He's a good dog)
I considered calling the county and asking if it was one of their appraisers and complain. BUT, I'm not suppose to have chickens (even though I live on almost two acres in a rural area), so I'm just hoping I don't get a 'get rid of those chickens' letter! I called to ask the county before I got the chickens and was told that, since so many people were wanting their own chickens after that last huge salmonella scare, they would not do anything about it unless someone complained. So I made sure I found other homes for all my 'oops' roos so there would be no crowing and checked with my neighbors, who are looking forward to fresh 'hush' eggs. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed and pray everytime I go to the mailbox!

One very sweet, tolerant husband; one adorable, independent-thinking mini-aussi; one beautiful, smart daughter; one smart, rebellious son (takes after me); three gorgeous, onery grandsons, and seven sweet chickie-babies: three barred rocks, two SLW's, and two buff orpingtons. YHVH + Holy Spirit = Elohim and Jesus are so VERY good!
The exact thing happened to me! I was weeding in the front yard, and a MASSIVE ants nest collapsed under me. Well, I stripped down to nothin my my broken pride and some skimmies and took off like the dickens towards the house, but not before the neighbors pulled up. So I ended up diving in the barn and hiding there for 2 hours til they left. At least the ducks and chickens kept me company!

Oh no!! The ducks and chickens were probably wondering why you were hanging out in the barn for so long! Two hours, that had to have sucked!

"Hanging out"? No pun intended?

This thread is hilarious. My Dad used to tell a story from many years ago in the Ozark hills where he and Mom lived. There was a bachelor living in a cabin in the middle of the woods not far from our house that always went around naked. Folks walked a lot more then and they would whistle loudly or sing right before they got to this man's house to give him a head's up. Dad said the guy would go running backwards trying to get into his pants as he ran. I think they accused the women folk of going by his place on purpose, hoping to catch a glimpse.

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