Has this happened to anyone????

So you were up at 3:00 am. Burning a brush pile??!! Yikes! I was snuggly tucked
in bed sleeping soundly! Be careful of mosquitos at that time!!
Secret...a 3:00 brushpile fire MAY be capable of emitting a
heavy black smoke.

There was a reason. Spooks like to be sound asleep in the
middle of the night.
I always go out first thing in the morning in the t-shirt I sleep in and my muck boots to let the chickens out. Very cute- not. Fortunately my neighbors aren't close, my front yard is full of trees that makes it hard to see my house and yard, and my driveway has a gate that no one gets into without a code or remote control. Usually the only souls that see me are the cats, dog, squirrels, and chickens, and they don't seem to mind
However, the days I am going nowhere and don't put on a bra are always the days the UPS guy delivers
Oh no!! The ducks and chickens were probably wondering why you were hanging out in the barn for so long! Two hours, that had to have sucked!

"Hanging out"? No pun intended?

This thread is hilarious. My Dad used to tell a story from many years ago in the Ozark hills where he and Mom lived. There was a bachelor living in a cabin in the middle of the woods not far from our house that always went around naked. Folks walked a lot more then and they would whistle loudly or sing right before they got to this man's house to give him a head's up. Dad said the guy would go running backwards trying to get into his pants as he ran. I think they accused the women folk of going by his place on purpose, hoping to catch a glimpse.

Wow...that's a really funny story. At least he wasn't trying to attract attention by being naked if he was scrambling to get dressed when he heard people approach! Before I moved to live in the country, I'd probably find that appalling and strange, but being that I'm usually under/inappropriately dressed while doing chores, I can now say..."I get it".

BTW...I bet that naked guy in the Ozarks didn't have to do much laundry either!
Of course!! It's Murphy's law! I had my husband buy me a driveway alarm for Christmas. He finally installed it about a month ago. It is sooooooo nice to get that heads up warning that someone's approaching. It doesn't help much though when I'm already outside. I do live on a dirt road, so I can usually hear a car coming. I like my privacy. I can't imagine living in a populated city subdivision. I often go outside in just a T-shirt as well! People need to be careful when they approach houses in the country. Never know what they may encounter!
My worst experience was yesterday.

I got caught in a thunderstorm so when I got back to the house it was logical to strip out of dripping clothes in front of a waiting washing machine, right? Get stripped down and am stuffing the clothes in the machine when I hear a loud "oh my god!!!" I da_n near peed my non- existant pants but am proud to say I delivered a snappy come back; " you da_ned well better mean that in a good way! If you didn't you better be gone before I get turned around.!"

I think I got the worst end of that as well; who ever it was, was gone when I turned around. Oh well, they deserved what they saw for sneaking in like that.
I have been known to lock up the chickens for the night in my oversize tee shirt, panties and tennis shoes. The only reason I bother with the panties is that I am older than dirt and have OA. I walk with a cane and sometimes I am not all that steady on my feet walking on uneven ground. I decided that it was prudent to carry my phone when I am outside, just in case I fall. Since the shirt has no pockets I tuck the phone in the waistband of my panties. That is definitely not a pretty sight and probably more information than anyone needs to know.

BTW, I have a half acre totally fenced. I have two senior Aussies who announce the comings and goings of anyone in sight. I also have an 11 month old English Mastiff who weighs significantly over 100# (I don't have anyone strong enough to lift him anymore to get an accurate weight). Although he seldom barks at anything, he has been known to stand up and lean his elbows on the top of the 5' chain link fence. Beleve me, strangers do not walk into my yard. The dogs would not hurt anyone, but the can be a giant PITA.

Pam in ID

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