Hatch 102!!!!

Up to 5 and one more on the pip!!
So far only one pure brahma the rest are all mixed
One has a super cute blonde patch on its head. This was the first hatched
we hatched 10!!! Started with 30 -- 9 off the bat were infertile
unhatched investigation revealed 2 were good to hatch but probably got knocked over 1 too many times -- working on a plan for that -- the remaining died at various stages - so reach is needed - we do have the list of vitamins and minerals to help with this.

For our second hatch we are very happy -- especially since coop remodels are in high order

Only 1 is a pure brahma - which is not surprising when you consider we have (had - lost the black Sextons to something) 4 other types of hens -- a ratio of 5 to 2 is bound to lead to few brahmas, add in they had just finished molting and well........

Our chicks are between 5 and 3 days old - SO DANG CUTE!!! Mostly black with blonde butts and "mowhawks". Soon I will be begging for help on sexing them --- please tell me they can all stay in the same coop until the hens can move in with the other hens....

I will also be seeking help with breed ID for my other hens

TWO of them have decided to go broody and hubby is letting them hatch 5 - i really think we need mental help....

AND the Brahmas are not laying!!!! we have 5 hens and I just had to buy eggs!!! No one appears to be molting!!!!

Final question -- a coworker keeps telling me her neighbor feeds her meat birds a high protein diet and egg birds something else -- she says that the birds get so big in 3 months they can hardly walk
Do i really have to do this -- we could have 3 coops, but two is really enough and I don't know if i want to treat my birds that......we are not looking to go into a big production just us and maybe sell to a few friends and family

thanks peps!!! love all your help
Our 10 are almost 2 months old - Our Rooster is a Brahma here is what we got - our goal was Brahmas - learned not to gather eggs when the two ladies are molting!! DUH!!!

6 Barred rock mix
3 Black sex mix
1 Brahma - at least she is a SHE!!!

Then we had the brilliant idea to let Spec (the BR) sit on 5 eggs
two weeks after our first hatch out popped 5 more
i think 4 BR and one BS
(currently not at home to check)

Out of all 15, looks like at least 10 are Cockerels - freezer will be filling up soon...

So my question is I read that I can continue to breed the mixes and thru generations will get to be a full Brahma - is this true?
Is it worth it?
We want meat birds and eggers- do we eat the other mixed hens?

Our one pure Brahma is Princess B - she is like a golden trophy in my eyes!!!

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