Hatch-ALong - Setting first eggs 4/5, hatch day 4/26. Anyone want to join me?

Ok, I set my eggs about two hours ago and the incubator is holding temperature around 99.5 and humidity at about 50%. I'm at high altitude so I'm keeping all the vent plugs out and trying to keep humidity around 45-55% for now. Might adjust humidity after I see how much weight the eggs have lost at day 7.
Wishing you all good luck and stable temperatures as you get started!

Ok, I set my eggs about two hours ago and the incubator is holding temperature around 99.5 and humidity at about 50%. I'm at high altitude so I'm keeping all the vent plugs out and trying to keep humidity around 45-55% for now. Might adjust humidity after I see how much weight the eggs have lost at day 7.
Wishing you all good luck and stable temperatures as you get started!

Wow look pretty good. Good luck with your hatch.
Hmm... I have no idea. Did you try posting about it on the Shipped Eggs/Aircell thread? Sally knows a lot about aircell issues so she might be able to help.
I will look for that thread right away, thanks so much for pointing me in the right direction.

Just to have a comparison, I candled 2 chicken and 2 turkey eggs last night that were freshly laid just a few hours prior and they actually looked the same exact way. So now I'm wondering if it's just that way because they are very fresh indeed and the aircell is still very small. I will take pictures today in case anyone would like to see what I'm talking about. Turkey eggs are pretty easy to candle so I will use those to show what I'm talking about.

I got my incubator to hold a steady temperature for the most part now. It's still lower on the right side and I checked for any damage/holes or the like but couldn't find anything. I just put some ducked tape around the area where it closes to see if that might make a difference.
I hope everyone's eggs are doing well! Can't wait to see all the babies we're going to have here :)
Restarting guys! The egg I had was a dud and now I'm starting over with new ones!
Set 4/5! But mine won't hatch until May 3rd!! :(
I'm joining in, too. I just got off a plane this afternoon with eggs a BYCer named Steen gave me, the sweetheart. He gave me 9 Cream Legbars and 3 Lavender Ameraucanan eggies. It was a spur of the moment thing (I was visiting family) so I had to borrow an incubator from a friend. It's warming right now. I think I will wait until first thing in the morning to set just to make sure the 'bator is stable.

It's nice to have friends to watch and wait with!
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Got the incubator stabilized overnight and just got the eggs set at 830 am. I have tried hatches before with a home made incubator and had terrible hatch rates. I wasn't sure if it was my incubator or the shipping that was the problem (probably both).

I borrowed a Hovabator with fan and egg turner so hopefully this will go better for me! THe lady who I borrows the 'bator from said she had better success with dry hatches so I am going to go with a lower humidity--about 35%. ANy opinions on dry hatching? What is everyone else's plans?
Got the incubator stabilized overnight and just got the eggs set at 830 am. I have tried hatches before with a home made incubator and had terrible hatch rates. I wasn't sure if it was my incubator or the shipping that was the problem (probably both).

I borrowed a Hovabator with fan and egg turner so hopefully this will go better for me!  THe lady who I borrows the 'bator from said she had better success with dry hatches so I am going to go with a lower humidity--about 35%. ANy opinions on dry hatching? What is everyone else's plans?

I'm trying to use a home made incubator. =/ I don't know how much luck I'll have though
I'm trying to use a home made incubator. =/ I don't know how much luck I'll have though

Good luck to you!

Mine was a Coleman cooler with a computer fan and water heater thermostats turning on and off a 60 watt bulb. I had many, many thermometers in there and they all read a different number so I got really confused. I think it was a perfect storm of novice person plus home made incubator plus shipped eggs. One variable probably would have been fine but each one was a little of a problem and they may have multiplied in to failures to hatch.

Have you hatched before or is this your first time? What are you hatching? Whats your set-up like?
Good luck to you! 

Mine was a Coleman cooler with a computer fan and water heater thermostats turning on and off a 60 watt bulb. I had many, many thermometers in there and they all read a different number so I got really confused. I think it was a perfect storm of novice person plus home made incubator plus shipped eggs. One variable probably would have been fine but each one was a little of a problem and they may have multiplied in to failures to hatch.

Have you hatched before or is this your first time? What are you hatching? Whats your set-up like?

I'm sorry to hear about that =[

Yes this is my very first time trying to hatch something :) I'm trying to hatch a few duck eggs =] they're either Pekins or Mallards! The eggs were a surprise gift from my little brother. He got a few from our neighbor and just gave them to me! It was a bit of a surprise so we had to hurry up and make a bator! We are using a styrofoam cooler with a heat lamp clipped to the side of it. They're a hydrometer on the side and a thermometer right on the bottom next to the eggs.

I live in Florida so humidity isn't an issue xD our house is usually around 35-45% humidity.

If I had the time to go and find a real incubator, I would have =/
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