Hatch time help please


" For my yoke is easy and my burden is light "
Feb 11, 2018
Middle Tennessee
Noticed egg last night rocking around in incubator then I noticed cracks where it’s gonna pip now 15 hours later no progress chick is chirping
I know I gotta let nature take its course but I need to know if anyone has experienced a pip taking this long from start to pip
Please keep in mind I’m asking about if this is normal pip time I have done 2 hatched and never timed a pip lol
They usually stay at the pipped stage for around 24 hours before starting to unzip so you've got nothing to worry about. They spend that time absorbing the remains of their yolk and resting before the last big push.

Once they start unzipping they shouldn't stop and that usually takes about an hour.

Good luck!
I actually took a small piece off the shell to see if it was getting air and there’s no hole so I’m concerned on time from beginning of pip to time of pip hole
It’s kind of a off beat thing lol
Egg was rolling yesterday and there was a crack chick was chirping and I expected a hole today and a beak sticking out just worried about air for chick but I do understand I don’t want it out until yolk is absorbed
Sometimes you can't see the hole in the membrane but if you are worried you could make one carefully with a pin. Maybe dampen your hands to try and maintain some humidity for it before getting it out.

Love those blue and green eggs.
I feel dumb I was wondering if there was an air hole so I pulled a piece of lose shell back hope I don’t shrink wrap it

It will be fine - just keep an eye on it. White membrane is healthy. If it starts looking yellow or brownish pop some vaseline or coconut oil (or similar) on it to keep it supple.

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