Hatched 2!!!!!!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 10, 2009
My blue cochin hatched 2 little ones! One is pure cochin, hooray!!! The other has black Langshan in it but still cute! My poor Partridge Cochin sat for like 36 days and nothing out of her clutch hatched. I checked but only 2 were chicks, but not alive. She is new to this so maybe she wasn't turning them. I do know she got off the eggs and wandered the yard for an hour here and there. Maybe she just didn,t keep them warm enough. Any ideas?
I know some people put the hen in her own little coop/cage when she's hatching. That way she can have food and water nearby and still sit the eggs. I don't have any that have gone broody yet, but i would guess they're not all good at it.

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