Hatched Naked necks!!!


7 Years
May 28, 2012
We have a small flock of six naked neck hens and 1 naked neck rooster. We've had three for about 1.5 years and the other 4 for about a year.

Two of our girls went broody so we thought what the heck, let's see what happens - assuming they'd either abandon the eggs (which they've done before) or it just wouldn't work! We left a few eggs under each. Well approximately 21 days later:

!!!!!! The chick under the black hen was born first, on Sunday morning. We thought that would be it since nothing else was happening in the other eggs. But on Tuesday afternoon out popped the other adorable, TINY chick!!!

I just walked outside to check on everyone and a third BRAND new baby was under the black hen (Ramona). But then Henrietta stole it back. They seem to be happy co-parenting. Stealing the chicks back and forth. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? The two hens and the babies are separated from the flock (a large cage within their coop)

We are so in love! Well 2 more eggs are left. Should I say I think "for reals" these are it?! It's been said before...
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