Hatchery Help


5 Years
Mar 4, 2014
This is basically somewhere to help find a hatchery with your wanted breeds. This is also a place you where you can ask for breed suggestion. For hatchery help just put your name, your location(state), the breed you want along with the gender and amount of that breed.
I am now ready to help find hatcheries for you. Just add the breed, amount, location(shipping), and sex.
I'm in Illinois and am looking for LARGE FOWL CORNISH eggs or chicks,,mainly looking for White cornish,as we have a few dark and red laced whites here. I'm wanting proof they are heritage stock,with nothing mixed with them. Only pure traceable genetics. No Bantams, I think all hatchery stock has been intermingled with x-breeding or mutt birds.Both sexes needed,maybe 15 whites and 10 more darks wanted.
Well, I can't prove full blood without spending days on in emailing hatcheries to see. But there is a good chance that you could find a breeder of just that breed. I would recommend that you try to hatch some of your own eggs if they are fertal. I would have to say it would cost a great deal more to buy from a specialized breeder organization. I am sorry that i can't give you a full answer, however if i come across a hatchery or breeder, i will send you an email.
Great News.
I have been able to get sales on certain breeds from hatcheries. If you ask now, I may be able to get you a great deal on pullets and cockerels.

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