Hatching Box... Quarantine Box.... Multi Purpose cage....


6 Years
May 18, 2013
Omak, Washington
My Coop
My Coop
Sooo, I need a quarantine/hatching pen... I built one today.... out of an Apple Bin... that's what we call them here in fruit country...

Took about 6 hours.... All materials are left from the coop build or something..... For now, I'm locking the rooster in it... the girls need a break... honestly, the roo could handle 20 hens.... 7 is not enough... I'm contemplating eating him.... gonna have to fatten him up first... This pen should do that.... I hope....

2 level nipples for chicks and mom.... Cut a hole in the floor for drips to run out and not rot the floor..... put 1/4" screen over the hole to keep varmints out... 2 1/2" PVC feeder... same as the waterer....

The box is 4' x 3 1/2'... 14 sq. ft. The door is on the top... hinge is chicken wire... 1/4" mesh on the front... 3/4" green plastic chicken wire on the top.... rope and PVC pipe handles.... Feed and water tubes extend through the top for easy filling... Original drain slots, in the bin, were plugged with scrap wood.... and I can move it with my tractor.... It's going inside the chicken run for now... later I will have to add a roof to separate it from the chickens when quarantining new birds.....


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