hatching call duck eggs?


10 Years
Mar 2, 2009
alright. so my call duck eggs that i ordered from 2 dif people, one order of 6 and one order of 2, should be coming any day now... and i keep reading about how hard they are to hatch and how they dont fair well at all in shipping and all these things that are making me worry...
so can someone post some positive experiences they've had with hatching shipped call duck eggs to lessen my worries a little?

im kin of wishing i wouldnt have ordered them now.. spent like 35$ on 8 eggs...
First, are they from SQ stock or pet quality stock? Pet quality call ducks are so much easier to hatch than SQ stock. Just keep an eye on them. If they pip the shell, and there is no progress with in 12 hours, I help them out, otherwise they die. Also if they pip the air sac, and havent pipped the shell within around 12 hours, I put a small hole in the top of the shell so they can breathe. I also find better hatch rates if I hatch the call ducks in cartons.
i think their just pet quality. at least the 6 buff calls are. the 2 white call eggs might be show quality since i pai 20$ for them haha. so stupid now that i look back on it... but yeah. i hear a lot of times they need help hatching. but theres so many things im scared of doing wrong if i have to help them!

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