Hatching ducks and chicks started


6 Years
Apr 14, 2013
Hi all i have put in 3 duck eggs in my incubator at 6 pm tonight, and in 1 week I will be putting in 46 chicken eggs, all different breeds, i have 28 shipped eggs and 18 non shipped which i got from a friend, the shipped ones include a columbine hens, cream legbars, welsummers, leghorns warrens, bluebelles, light sussex, and black rock. these hens are all feee ranged with several cockerels - welsummer, silver laced wyandotte, cream legbar and burford brown, so who the father is of each egg is anyone's guess! And the 18 i got from are all pure bred, i have some RIR, silkies and i cant remember the rest haha so i have put in my 3 duck eggs so i hope i get at least a few, i would like to have the 3 ducks hatch, and i hope i get at least a few chicks but i guess ill hope for the best :fl
All are welcome to join in no matter what ur hatching :)
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I candled the 3 duck eggs today all three are veining :celebrate and tomorrow I'm putting the chicken eggs in :D
Candled my three duck eggs (day 11 today), and they are all moving :celebrate so excited now :D one is moving like crazy, and the other two are moving every now and again :D i candled a few of my chicken eggs day 4)and im happy to say i have about 5 silkie eggs and of the two i candled they are both growing :D i didnt candle all 48 eggs, but of the ones i did candle (about 20 )2 or 3 are in fertile one had the ring of death :/ and all the rest are growing so excited :D :celebrate :fl :fl :fl :celebrate :D
So i candled all my eggs, and there was one with the ring of death, and 16 that were infertile, or just didn't grow, and that leaves me with 3 duck eggs, and 24 chick eggs :) although there is one which i cant find ahaha i have it wrote down on a note pad (i numbered them all) and i couldn't see it, but i didn't want to look for it for to long as the eggs were starting to cool down, so i have 27 viable eggs(not including the one i cant find ahah) due to hatch on the 20th of may :) 15 days to go :D :celebrate
Ducks are moving like crazy and the chicks are starting to move as well now, there is only 11 days left and i had one of my hens go broody on monday and she is sitting on 8 eggs as well, so she has been sitting for 4 days now :) she is 6 days behind the others :D
Went into turn it one last time and a duck has pipped :D!!!!!!!!!! It's only day 24!!
and this morning I went up and I heard a bit of peeping, and the hole is bigger now and I can see it's beak move and the other one I saw moving has also pipped and I had candles the 3rd one and it has internally pipped :D
One hatched!!!! I woke up and my duck had just got out his leg was still in the shell he trying to walk around :D the other two are still trying :D

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