HATCHING EGGS! and babies For Pick Up Only


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jan 10, 2008
Barred rocks, White leghorns, RIR's, Red and black sexlinks, all 15.00 per dozen
Show quality cochins(standards) 25.00 per dozen.
Standard old english games( 40.00 per dozen)
Babie ducklings 2.25 each dayolds.
Assorted pure pullets 1.50 each.
Talk to me!
pm or on here.Goose eggs are available too.

Pick up Only
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Have toulouse, Embdens, africans canadas and chinese.
Some tfuted romans but i only sell those as babies. and they are 12.00 each
OMGoodness. Thanks terrie.
I'm in carolina, but am going to the NC show

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