This is either a grand experiment for us or an epic fail. Eggatha, my Buff Orpington went broody 3(ish) weeks ago. We bought 12 fertilized eggs for her to sit on. She has done an amazing job of keeping to her eggs. We lost one because it broke. The eggs started hatching yesterday. When I checked first thing yesterday morning, there was a dead chick that looked like it had been pecked to death. Then two chicks hatched and they are hanging out with Eggatha and doing well. Another egg hatched today and she pecked it to death. I'm hoping that she killed them because they were not going to be viable chicks (I mean she let two live...) so I still have 7 eggs left.
I'm concerned now about how those eggs are going to work out. Will she continue to sit on them until they hatch? At what point do I give up? I have read 72 hours. Do I continue to check her regularly or just let nature take it's course?
I'm concerned now about how those eggs are going to work out. Will she continue to sit on them until they hatch? At what point do I give up? I have read 72 hours. Do I continue to check her regularly or just let nature take it's course?