hatching eggs

Ill let you know :D ill tell you the hatch rate because i have 240 fertilized quail eggs that got put on my delay since i had to fix up my mold issue in my homemade incubator and it back ordered to 20 days ;D
Help.. i hav a hen who sits on d eggs a while and then gets up. A few days now. she is not commiting to the hatch. none of my hens are. There is nest boxes an everything. An they are laying. and they are a good breed for broodyness.
A family member of mines has d same kind of hens an they go broody all the time. But mines dont. i dont know exactly what kind of chicken it is. I want them to go broody. But they start an then stop an abandon the eggs. I dont kno why they are not committing to the hatch.
I have coturnix quail and just checked them and put them into my hatcher. I checked them with a flashlight and out of 235 at 20 days old only about 20 weren't good but the others looked promising ill let you know the hatch rate in 2-4 days.

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