Hatching eggs


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 5, 2014
Not sure if this is the right thread but I recently bought some hatching eggs from a local farm they had 3 main types of chickens light sussex ,RIR and white stars but they also had mixes from the 3 types aswell. I was woundering if it was possible for these breeds to produce blue eggs as some of the eggs we bought were blue ?? These are the eggs we bought
If the rooster has the blue egg gene it is possible some of his daughters could lay blue or green eggs no matter what hen he is crossed with. I have no idea if the rooster has that gene or not. It would be easier to figure out of the rooster laid eggs, but he doesn’t.

Any pullets that hatch from the blue or green egg have a chance to lay a blue or green egg. It’s also possible they could lay brown or white eggs. But any blue or green egg at least has a chance.

It all depends on genetics. With the eggs that are blue or green the gene is in the mix but you don’t know for sure which of the gene pair will be passed down. Having a rooster with at least one blue egg gene really really helps your odds. To get green or blue eggs from that flock, try hatching more green or blue eggs. There is just not enough information available to give a better answer.

Good luck with that hatch. You at least have a chance.
Is it possible for a cross between a light Sussex , rhoade island red or white star to have the blue egg ??

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