Hatching eggs!


5 Years
Sep 2, 2014
Feeling like a failure this morning. I ordered 10 eggs and got them waited the 30 hrs and placed them in the incubator. Every thing has been doing great. Tempature and humidity has been good. I was very proud but today was day 5. I got up and went down to check on the little ones and my temp was 113
. My heart sunk. I grabbed the lid and proped it up as hight as I could and took the eggs out to try and cool them down then I candled them and the air sacks look wabbly. All I could do was sit and cry.
This was my birthday gift from my mom. And that means no more eggs for me. I was so looking forward to seeing these little ones. My chickens bring me so much joy and hope. My life has been very crazy the last yr. we took in 3 kids under the age of 5 on top of a move and our own 3 teenagers. Life has just been so crazy and these little chicken eggs brought me so much joy! Now I have nothing of my own to look forward to. I'm so sad.
Hey, don't loose hope. I just had this same thing happen to me (temp 111) half of them still made it. Give them a couple days see what happens. Miracles do occur!!
I am so sad. I can't believe I let this happen. I really really enjoyed the eggs and was so looking forward to the new babies and watching them grow. :(
Oh no, I'm so sorry. :(

Don't blame yourself, incubator malfunctions are something we just can't anticipate. And hey, you never know, maybe some of them will still be ok. Only time will tell.
Don't lose hope! It actually takes an hour or two for the internal egg temperature to acclimate to the incubator temperature. The problem is, you don't know how long the temperature was that high. Either way, they sill have a chance!
Sending love and prayers to you, your family, and your eggs.
I just want to say thank you so much guys! This really hit me hard. I know it's JUST EGGS to some people but to me it was a part of life that I love. I really was looking forward to having the little orps in my life. Crazy but I love chickens. I just started having chickens in April and only have 3 hens and a roo and really wanted these orps. I did leave them in the bator so I'll wait til I know for sure they are gone. For me it's like losing a dog or pet.

Fingers crossed that I can get 2 to live and I'd be so happy.
I am sorry, and I agree. Losing chicks while they are in the shell still makes you feel like you did something wrong. This was not your fault, it was an incubator malfunction. Hopefully some make it, candle them maybe at two weeks or at 7 days if you are really anxious to see if any made it. I hope many are still alive and developing in the shell. Best of luck and I'm
for you :)

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