Hatching Goslings in an IncuView Incubator


Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Jan 12, 2019
Has anyone else hatched goslings or ducklings in an IncuView incubator? Is there a preferred humidity for lockdown? I know each incubator is a little different and not only am I new to this incubator but it's my first time hatching goslings as well!
Incubation has gone well, 4 out of 5 of the fertilized goose eggs made it to lockdown and now I'm feeling the pressure, lol! Tomorrow should be the start day for hatching but I heard a clear "weep-weep" from the incubator about an hour ago so I have at least one early internal pip. I wouldn't normally be concerned but when I first calibrated the incubator it was running very hot and I had to adjust it by a couple of degrees and with an early internal pip I'm concerned the temps may have still been running slightly high.
At this point, if anyone wants to tell me about their successful waterfowl hatches in an IncuView I could use the reassurance! lol, Thanks!

I really can't advise on geese, the only eggs I've had of them were infertile. I'd try to get it to the standard 65% and just wait it out.

Ok, humidity is at 65-68%. lol, Thanks!

LOL. It's Okay We've All Been There .How Are Your Eggs Doing ?

lol, It's pretty anticlimactic in there at the moment! :lau
Do you set your humidity higher when hatching geese?
I Usually Put Humidity @ 65%. Because Once They Start Hatching The Humidity Increases So You Have To Watch So It Doesn't Go Too High

Ok, perfect thank you! That's exactly what I do for my chicks so I just wanted to be sure it was the same for geese!
@kandyg_99 @Mosey2003 @FoodFreedomNow
You wonderful people were kind enough to help me on a previous goose question. lol, Any advice for an overly anxious new goose mom? :caf
I mean...it's just an internal pip. lol, You would think I've never hatched anything with how I feel right now! :lau:smack:duc
Hi and congrats on getting so many to lockdown! Now the real fun begins...;) And it's nerve-wracking every time, isn't it?

Goslings hatch much more slowly than chicks or ducklings, in my experience. It can take 24 hours + from external
pip to hatch, so be patient. I followed @pete55's guide when I hatched my Pilgrims and only needed to assist the last gosling (7 of 8) to hatch because she was a bit glued into her egg and it was a smaller egg. @pete55 does make a safety hole if it seems like the gosling is possibly in trouble and hasn't externally pipped.

I aim for humidity at about 70% after external pipping.

Best wishes for a great hatch! Looking forward to seeing those goslings! :pop

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