Hatching Muscovy X Khaki crosses, need help!

Thank you, I did PM lacrystal but I think she has her own hatches to worry about now. I'm just going to be patient (it's so hard!!), at least until tomorrow. ..

OK how's the kids doing? I will give you the most important advice I can, DO TOUCH. lol, no more candling. get ready for some MESSY BABIES. I know they are cute at first but once they grow up. HAHAHAH MESSY.

Don't worry about your humidity as they come out, it's only going to get higher, no need to worry about it now. Once one of them is out, it's going to be like Dominios, BOOM BOOM BOOM, Where is your temp at?
We have external pips!!
I saw at least 3 this morning when I woke up. Had to go to work but maybe I will have little duckies when I get home!

Probably not until tomorrow, so hang in there. THEY ARE COMING, get ready, WOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Probably not until tomorrow, so hang in there. THEY ARE COMING, get ready, WOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

That's ok! I want to be there when they hatch anyway and I'm at work now...
I know how messy they can be, my first duck was one that was abandoned by it's mother and someone dropped him off at the feed store all alone and only a day or so old. He was so cute but he was soo messy! And now his favorite place to sit (and poop!) is on top of my sports car

My temperature dropped a bit this morning to 98.8 because we had a cold front and I forgot to turn the heat on but it's been pretty stable at around 100.5ish for the last week. I've had some issues trying to get it to stabilize, especially with the extreme swing in temperatures here in Florida. It's been jumping back and forth from being in the 30's to the 70's! The humidity in the incubator has been staying between 60-70% but it did drop to about 57% this morning because of the cold.
I have at least 4 external pips now! I can't get a good view of all of the eggs through the window though so there may be more.
If they externally pip but the shell is still intact, can they get oxygen through those tiny cracks?
I have at least 4 external pips now! I can't get a good view of all of the eggs through the window though so there may be more.
If they externally pip but the shell is still intact, can they get oxygen through those tiny cracks?

If they externally pip, that means by definition that the shell is not intact. :p
I have at least 4 external pips now! I can't get a good view of all of the eggs through the window though so there may be more.
If they externally pip but the shell is still intact, can they get oxygen through those tiny cracks?

Yes they can get air.

I have 8-10 Muscovy eggs that pipped yesterday morning. As of 30 minutes ago still no ducklings, but I know they're coming!

I have at least 4 external pips now! I can't get a good view of all of the eggs through the window though so there may be more.
If they externally pip but the shell is still intact, can they get oxygen through those tiny cracks?

YES, understand that external peeping, is there Safe Hole, they can breath just fine, LOL SOUNDS LIKE THE COMPETITION IS ON.......

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