Hatching Muscovy X Khaki crosses, need help!

'Eyyyy, you and me both, hehe! Although mine's in marine biology and not, you know, BIOLOGY-biology. But still. Biochem is the worst, isn't it? 
Hello fellow scientist! I actually never had to take biochem. I only got my bachelors and it wasn't a requirement to graduate. I did take organic chem which was fun (can you hear the sarcasm??) I actually just applied for a graduate program in Anthrozoology which I am actually excited for, if I get accepted!
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One just hatched!!! I shall call him peepers since he was the one chirping for the last 3 days! He is like a bull in a china shop in there! I thought he would rest a bit when he came out but nope! The others are making progress and they have all pipped!
Do they usually smell a bit funky when they are born? It's not a rotten smell just a bit off putting...
One just hatched!!! I shall call him peepers since he was the one chirping for the last 3 days! He is like a bull in a china shop in there! I thought he would rest a bit when he came out but nope! The others are making progress and they have all pipped!
Do they usually smell a bit funky when they are born? It's not a rotten smell just a bit off putting...

Yeah, kinda smells like wet dog hair and dried-up blood. But if you suspect there's a bacterial bloom in there that's no bueno!

I have a ridiculously sensitive shnozz so it can be paaaainful when you first open up the bator after a hatch! Makes sense I guess, my vision and hearing both suck so I guess smell is the only thing I have left, may as well supercharge it.
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Yeah, kinda smells like wet dog hair and dried-up blood. But if you suspect there's a bacterial bloom in there that's no bueno!
Kinda reminds me of morning breath. Well if there was any bacteria in his shell it doesn't seem to be slowing him down at all. I think he has rolled just about every egg in there around.
Kinda reminds me of morning breath. Well if there was any bacteria in his shell it doesn't seem to be slowing him down at all. I think he has rolled just about every egg in there around.

I really doubt that there is. I mean there's always bacteria in there, all eggs are covered with them, but they're the good kind. Probably doesn't help much with the smell, though. :p What's Peepers doing? Is he pecking at the other shells yet? How many are making noises now?
I really doubt that there is. I mean there's always bacteria in there, all eggs are covered with them, but they're the good kind. Probably doesn't help much with the smell, though. :p What's Peepers doing? Is he pecking at the other shells yet? How many are making noises now?
He is all over the place! Another one was in the process of hatching and peepers was pecking his beak that was sticking out of the egg. That one is fully out now and they are like partners in crime in there. They both look like their dad! I think there's a third that will be coming soon too!
That's pretty dang high for humidity...usually I advocate NEVER opening the bator, one single blast of cold air can do more damage than you'd think, but it's no good if they're too hot or humid, either. But if the final two are already zipping then you don't have much longer to wait, anyhow.
That's pretty dang high for humidity...usually I advocate NEVER opening the bator, one single blast of cold air can do more damage than you'd think, but it's no good if they're too hot or humid, either. But if the final two are already zipping then you don't have much longer to wait, anyhow.
They aren't the final two, there's still 7 more to go!

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