hatching queion??? please answer??


10 Years
Jan 17, 2010
Um wanting to start my incubating for this year and my EE hen is starting to lay every day and im pretty sure they will be fertile, But my quetion is how long can they stay out side. Because she lays them in the after noon i think and thats when i am at schoool and so by the time i get home the egg is cold. Will that mean it wont hatch???

and how long can they stay out untill i put them in the incubator i want to aleast get 5 egg before i put them in the incubator ?? how long can they stay in a room temiture area before the egg wont be fertile/wont hatch.
I have eggs looking good in the incubator right now, should hatch Fri or Sat, that were laid in a coop with 25-35 F air temperatures and not collected for 4, 6, or even 8 hrs... so yours will probably be fine too, as long as your coop isn't massively subzero or something like that

Good luck, have fun,

After 10 days your chances of having a good hatch goes down drastically. Its better if they are under 7 days. If you have hatched out past 20 days where did you keep them. I would think they would be rotten and stinking.
i had a hen to hatch off 20 chicks and they were all her eggs. the nest wasn't found until she was setting, the weather was hot. some of those could have been a month old. i really have no way of knowing how long it took her to lay that mess. there were 2 or 3 that didn't hatch, they were underneath the others, pushed into the hay and probably not kept at a good temp.

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