Hatching Silver Partridge Brahma & Ayam Cemani eggs!


May 15, 2020
Hello form South Africa! We are currently in our winter (still very mild compared to what some experience up north) but I was lucky enough to receive 6 Silver Partridge Brahma & 6 Ayam Cemani eggs from a local breeder, which I set in my incubator on 27 May 2021. 5 of the Brahma eggs and 4 of the AC seem to be developing well, all things considered. The breeder was concerned about fertility considering the time of year but we seem to be doing well. Just a bit of context, Brahma's are very well established in South Africa and we do have really good quality breeding stock. The AC's, not so much, as they are extremely rare and the gene pool is still very small. The quality parent stock from the breeder still seems considerable better than what I have generally seen on the forums here, so let's hope! I have also noted that most mention the AC eggs are "cream coloured (sorry! British English rules here!) with a pink sheen". AC eggs in SA are most definitely white and closer to small than medium in size. I will add a couple of pictures after work today.
Hi, yes I had 4 Brahma (2 males and 2 females) and 4 Ayam Cemani (1 cockerel and 3 pullets) and they are doing really well! I will post some pics.
That would be awesome! Where in SA are you from?
I am from Cape Town. But we also have a farm in Kwa-Zulu Natal, a couple of hours outside of Durban. Oh and I tried to take some pics but they just will not cooperate!


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