Have a chicken with blood all over his head. How should I take the blood off.


May 22, 2020
I have a rooster who cut his comb and got blood all over is feathers. He is white so the blood really shows. I want to get rid of it so that when I put him back in the coop he doesn’t have blood all over him and end up getting pecked. I am just wondering what the best way to wipe of the blood would be? He is acting his normal self. And the cut doesn’t seem to bother him.
Clean it as carefully as possible to remove the blood, careful not to hurt it further. Then apply an antibiotic cream that does NOT contain painkiller. Keep him separated until completely healed, or the other chickens will peck at it and make it a whole lot worse. In the meantime offer scrambled eggs and yogurt for extra protein to aid the healing process; also maybe a little electrolytes or ACV in the water. Chickens heal from wounds like that remarkably well but separation is the key.
Clean it as carefully as possible to remove the blood, careful not to hurt it further. Then apply an antibiotic cream that does NOT contain painkiller. Keep him separated until completely healed, or the other chickens will peck at it and make it a whole lot worse. In the meantime offer scrambled eggs and yogurt for extra protein to aid the healing process; also maybe a little electrolytes or ACV in the water. Chickens heal from wounds like that remarkably well but separation is the key.
Okay I will do that, I cut out some of the bloody feathers because I didn’t think it would be safe to scrub around the hurt area. He is in his own separate area now and I will keep him there till it heals.

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