Have a question about frizzling! plz help


Addicted to Seramas!
12 Years
Jan 19, 2009
Ocala, FL
Well i have my asil rooster in with a bunch of pullets and two frizzle cochin hens. He's doing his job fertilizing the eggs. My question is will it look like an asil and have frizzle feathering??? I doubt its that easy though

I'm kind of curious what will happen. I'm gonna have about 8 eggs being incubated from them
frizzle is a dominant autosomal gene.. so 50-50 of all chicks will be frizzled..... unless you're very very very very unlucky to have one with double mf dose....
what generally happens is this
the hen throws genetics to the cockerels
and the male throws genetics to the females
any questions email me

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